[Python-legal-sig] Tired of this CLA pressure

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Fri Feb 7 12:17:38 CET 2014

anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> writes:

> So, the problem can be resolved if the opposition would accept that it
> deals with a hard, dumb and stubborn opponent (me) and try to convince
> it.

They are not obliged to deal with you, I think. (Nor are they obliged to
deal with me, of course). So, another way to resolve the problem is to
cease dealing with people who are ranting without learning the facts.

The more you behave as someone unreasonable and unwilling to learn, the
more likely IMO you will make it that people cease dealing with you.

> The way that was attempted before - "go read these books" - didn't help,
> because like everyone else I don't have time for that and it's a pity.

That is a pity. However, you can't refuse to learn the background of the
situation, and simultaneously claim that the people you are trying to
convince must provide a remedial education.

As you point out, we all have limited time for this. Either you choose
to put in the time to come up with a fact-based position, and to express
it in a reasoned manner, or not. Railing against volunteers isn't going
to help.

 \     “As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we |
  `\      should be glad to serve others by any invention of ours; and |
_o__)     this we should do freely and generously.” —Benjamin Franklin |
Ben Finney

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