[python-ldap] syncrepl fix for pyasn1 >= 0.3

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Mon Nov 20 06:46:04 EST 2017

Karl Kornel wrote:
> I have refreshed the patches, so now they work against the latest code in CVS.

Thank you!

> The patch to slapdtest.py is needed to enable the “syncprov” overlay for slapd,

I've committed a slightly modified variant of your test module.

No need to patch slapdtest.py since it's meant to take an arbitrary
template string (via sub-classing).

You can even do more custom with sub-classing. E.g. in tests of Æ-DIR's
Python module I generate the config based on the Jinja2 templates in the
Æ-DIR ansible roles.

Ciao, Michael.

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