[python-ldap] syncrepl fix for pyasn1 >= 0.3

Karl Kornel akkornel at stanford.edu
Mon Nov 20 03:25:34 EST 2017


I have refreshed the patches, so now they work against the latest code in CVS.

The patch to slapdtest.py is needed to enable the “syncprov” overlay for slapd, which keeps track of changes and also makes the data available to clients.

The second file contains the tests.  They are only basic tests, but they are enough that it shows the issues I reported in my email from about 10 hours ago.  I also have some notes describing additional tests that should be done, although I think they will need to be implemented in separate classes.

I hope this helps!

~ Karl

On 11/19/17, 5:40 PM, "Karl Kornel" <akkornel at stanford.edu> wrote:

    Hi Ilya, good afternoon!
    I did once submit a patch to add some tests for syncrepl parts of python-ldap, as well as a modification to the test framework, so that syncrepl support would be active in the slapd used for testing.
    The post and attachments can be found here: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ldap/2017q2/003923.html
    It has been some time since the submission, so I can not say right now if the patches would still work.
    But, one good thing is that I have access to a big LDAP directory! 8-)  So I will test now the latest code from you, and the latest code from Michael, and I will let you know my results!
        Message: 1
        Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 16:57:27 +0100
        From: Ilya Etingof <ilya at glas.net>
        To: Michael Str?der <michael at stroeder.com>
        Cc: Christian Heimes <christian at python.org>, python-ldap at python.org
        Subject: Re: [python-ldap] syncrepl fix for pyasn1 >= 0.3
        Message-ID: <A63629A0-9EF5-486C-AA29-ABC413472A67 at glas.net>
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
        Hi Michael,
        I think pyasn1 0.4.1 is mostly ready to be released. I have been trying to run relevant Python-LDAP tests with pyasn1 master [1] to make sure there are no regressions. Tests pass but I am not convinced they actually run through the pyasn1 code at all.
        So I wonder if you have a proper test bench handy to give it a quick try?  Or teach me how to run them locally.
        Thanks!  ;-)
        1. https://github.com/etingof/pyasn1

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