CLOSE_WAIT sessions (was: Too many established connections)

Ron Teitelbaum Ron at
Wed Mar 26 16:33:53 CET 2008

Hi Michael,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Ströder 
> Ron Teitelbaum wrote:
> >
> > I'm running into a problem with python open ldap connections.
>                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Do you mean python-ldap connections or connections to an OpenLDAP server
> from Python?

Yes python-ldap.  I'm using a smalltalk -> python-ldap 2.2.1 -> openLDAP
2.3-2.3.30 on Ubuntu 7.04 (GNU/Linux 2.6.20-16-generic)

> Can you check in the server's log whether unbind is processed?

I went through and found that there was some exception handling in my code
that caused the unbind to be skipped.  I fixed that and things are
significantly better now.  Thank you!

I am still having a problem but it looks like we had ldap hang up.  There
were some connections with CLOSE_WAIT that caused everything to get hung up.
It looked like we were not able to bind after that.  Have you seen that
problem before?  I rebooted the system and have not seen the error again, so
things are currently stable, we are going to try a load test in about an
hour or so.

> > I'm doing a bind->call->unbind on every
> > call.
> Is that really necessary?

When I started writing this code I assumed that I needed some sort of
connection pooling.  When bind->call->unbind turned out to be very fast I
figured the pool was a premature optimization.  Maybe I should have stuck
with my gut feeling.

> >  I am also using the ReconnectLdapObject to try to help with "can not
> > connect" problems,
> Well, using ReconnectLdapObject and doing bind-search-unbind all the time
> is
> somewhat contradictory since ReconnectLdapObject is for keeping long-
> lasting
> connections alive. But this should not be the problem.

That's interesting.  I thought ReconnectLdapObject's primary purpose was to
help with can-not-connect issues.  Very often we get can-not-connect errors.
Sometimes we get them even when things worked.  We wrote some handlers to
retry and to ignore errors associated with duplicate processing.  Any idea
why we would be getting can-not-connect errors?  (we get them sporadically
with bind, write, search ...) 

> > although I still get a significant number of can not
> > connect problems that I handle with a retry.
> Any network problems in between?

No for right now we are running OpenLdap and Python-ldap and Smalltalk all
on the same box.
> > The server died the first time we tried to put a significant load on it.
> What server (vendor and version) is this? Which version of python-ldap and
> which version OpenLDAP libs are used?

python-ldap 2.2.1 -> openLDAP 2.3-2.3.30 on Ubuntu 7.04 (GNU/Linux

The older releases above are to stay inline with the Debian release.  Also
we are currently locked into python 2.4.4.  Upgrading python is not
currently an option for this system.

> Ciao, Michael.

Thank you very much for your help!

Ron Teitelbaum

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