ZLDAPAdapter problems

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Mon Jul 29 17:30:50 CEST 2002

Mauro Cicognini wrote:
> It does work, but it takes a lot of guessing of what the search roots 
> are...


Attribute namingContexts in RootDSE should help. There's also an 
attribute defaultNamingContext. Access control restriction could 
be in place and off course these attributes should be queried by 
name just like with OpenLDAP 2.x.

> and after that, you may have to tweak code to interpret the 
> results correctly.

Can you elaborate on that? Tweak which code?

> Not as much as Novell Directory Service, though. ;-)

Can you elaborate on that too? As long as you don't try to handle 
Novell/NDS specific attributes it's very easy to query Novell 
eDirectory. BTW: One can have a look at ldap://www.nldap.com, 
their public demo server. You can even register to get your own 
container with write acess (http://www.nldap.com).

Ciao, Michael.

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