(no subject)

rferr at voicenet.com rferr at voicenet.com
Tue Jul 16 17:00:10 CEST 2002

Hi !

I'm new to python and need a connection to our ldap via python. I 
have downloaded the win32 version, _ldap.pyd and ldap.py. 

The readme file for win32 says that is "NOT SAFE" for multi-threading, 
but the file itself has a date mark of 1996.

Is this the version I should use or has it been updated to a version 
that is safe ?

I don't see any real install instructions (other than the readme) and I 
don't see any actual examples of how the calls s/b done. Does 
anyone know of anywhere I can get some real-life examples of binds, 
searches, modifies ? The included help files don't have install 

Richard Ferry

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