[Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

Rhodri James rhodri at kynesim.co.uk
Fri Jul 20 08:14:33 EDT 2018

On 20/07/18 01:30, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Rhodri James wrote:
>> On 19/07/18 07:06, Greg Ewing wrote:
>>> There's no such tradition for the new
>>> operators being proposed.
>> There is, actually, it's just not a long one.  C# has had null-aware 
>> operators for a while, for example.
> THere's a precedent, yes, but I wouldn't call it a tradition.
> A substantial period of time is part of the definition of the
> word.
> Wikipedia:
> "A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group
> or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with
> origins in the past."
> Merriam-Webster:
> "the handing down of information, beliefs, or customs from one
> generation to another."
> I don't think C# has been around long enought to span multiple
> generations of programmers.

I go with SF fandom's traditional :-) definition: "somebody did it 
once."  If it's been done more than once, it's an honoured tradition.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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