[Python-ideas] keeping things civil (was: Re: PEP 484 evolution)

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Mar 19 15:42:00 EDT 2016

On Sat, 19 Mar 2016 at 08:09 Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohnson at gmail.com>

> On Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 9:37:22 AM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 1:28 AM, Rick Johnson
> > What, you mean the form that was released in Python 3.5 on
> > Dec 6th 2015 after *extensive* discussion on every Python-
> > related mailing list, newsgroup, subreddit, blog, and
> > blue-faced baboon? Yeah. Can't just press the undo button
> > now. Or are you talking about the way that annotations
> > were added to the language in Python 3.0, released in
> > 2008?
> I'm talking specifically about the propagation of "type-hint
> annotations" within source code in the wild. Conceivably,
> Python could add a million unique annotations to the
> language, but no harm is done to readability *UNTIL* the
> annotations are utilized by Python source code in the wild.
> My argument is that these "type-hint annotations" have not
> *YET* propagated -- at least not to any critical mass -- and
> therefore, we still have time to prevent this ship from
> crashing on the rocks.

I think that's a bit dramatic. As others have pointed out, this has already
been discussed quite extensively and decided upon. The community has not
had enough time to make an informed opinion on this topic to ask that it be

> > If this enhancement to an already-existing feature is what
> > finally makes you go and take your ranting to some other
> > language, fine. Goodbye.

> Chris, i know you'd be happier if i was not a member of this
> community. And you've made that point clear on multiple
> occasions.
> > Otherwise, take it to python-list and, in concurrence with
> > Steven's pledge, I will answer any questions/concerns
> > raised in good faith.
> What purpose, other than emotional release, will that serve?
> I could achieve the same by yelling at a wall.

The offers seemed reasonable, so throwing them back in their faces doesn't
really seem to help anything.

Based on Chris' reaction there seems to be some history from somewhere else
that is spilling over here. I'm going to remind everyone -- not just Rick
because he's new here but also those who have reacted harshly to Rick being
here -- that this list falls under the PSF Code of Conduct and it will be
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