[Python-ideas] bool.from_config_str()

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Jun 14 02:44:01 EDT 2016

Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > The idea of localisation does come with solid precedents:

But the argument against localization of machine-parsed code (which
would include configs) has solid precedents from the days of PEP 263
implementation.  There the issue was the language of comments (which
aren't even machine-parsed!)  Several prominent developers with
impeccable "global" credentials related anecdotes involving comments
that were unreadable to the rest of the team when the author left, as
well as one ridiculous case where the entire dev team of one
nationality left to form a startup or something, and were replaced by
a new team of a different nationality.

As a not-so-prominent developer, I can testify to translating several
hundred lines of Japanese comments in XEmacs sources because the
authors had disappeared and I was the only Japanese reader in the

Localization for educational purposes at the compulsory education
level may make sense (although for children under the age of 12 it
probably has little value, because they absorb new words and whole new
languages very quickly -- OTOH, their teachers already have withered
neurons at ages as low as 23).  Other than that kind of use case, if
localization is so important, make a configuration app and localize
that, I think.


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