[Python-ideas] bool.from_config_str()

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Mon Jun 13 13:21:27 EDT 2016

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 06:12:30PM +0200, Pavol Lisy wrote:

> Would be better or worse for python ecosystem to have possibility to
> write for example:
> #!language:fr
> pour i en gamme(3):
>     publier(i)

Localising Python to a non-English variant has already been done at 
least once seriously:


I'm pretty sure this is just intended as proof-of-concept:


And if you really want to be silly, there's always LikePython:


The idea of localisation does come with solid precedents:

- The ALGOL 68 standard allowed for localised versions, and at least one 
such version became the GOST/ГОСТ standard in the USSR.

- Microsoft Office macro language is localised.

- In the 1990s, Apple's Hyperscript and Applescript languages could be 

- 4th Dimension localised its keywords to French or German.

- There were various versions of BASIC localised to Chinese and other 

- Perl's parser can be modified at runtime to support not just keyword 
localisation, but changing the grammar as well. Of course Perl hackers 
used this to support Latin and Klingon.


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