[Python-ideas] A bit meta

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Mon Feb 1 13:49:23 EST 2016

1) I like the current development of Python to be more 
community-friendly and visible! Big thanks to Brett (github). +1 Another 
step will definitely involve a more modern discussion structure.

2) Just give it a try and don't discuss so much about it. Too much 
bikeshedding. As Brett said, it's social. So, everybody is right of 
course. ;)

3) Nobody says its mandatory. Have several channels is perfectly fine.

4) Learning new things is great. Some guys here might think email is the 
best thing since sliced bread. No! It is not. Not saying Discourse is 
better, but it has definitely more visibility and a more modern UI 
(well, it actually HAS an UI). Everything else remains to be seen.

If you want fresh blood, visibility counts.


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