[Python-ideas] Migration of /usr/bin/python to python3

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Mar 14 16:57:19 CET 2015

On Mar 13, 2015, at 09:57 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>Right, this most recently came up in the context of Fedora's plans to
>transition to only having Python 3 in the base install
>(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3_as_Default). At the
>moment the expected consequence is that there will come a Fedora
>version (tentatively Fedora 23) where, out of the box,
>"/usr/bin/python" and "/usr/bin/env python" will just stop working.
>Packages that are part of the distro aren't a problem - those are all
>being dealt with as the transition progresses, and any which
>specifically need Python 2 will depend on it accordingly.
>The problem arises with custom user packages and scripts, and third
>party packages and scripts.

Sure, agreed so far.  But you're not going to be removing Python 2 from the
Fedora archive right?  So any user with third party packages that require
Python 2 could just install it and their stuff would continue to work.

At least that's the plan on Debian/Ubuntu.  I'd like to be at the point[*]
where the default installs would not contain Python 2, but a simple `apt-get`
would install it from the archives for anybody who needs it.  That seems like
a safer option than changing the symlink.


[*] I'm aiming for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu 16.04 Xylophonic X-ray fish LTS.
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