[Python-ideas] issubclass(collections.OrderedDict, collections.Sequence)

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Tue Oct 7 21:05:02 CEST 2014

On 10/07/2014 12:00 AM, Ram Rachum wrote:
> Use case not relevant enough for you?

No, your attitude stinks -- or maybe it's just your communication style.

Phrases such as, "I don't see what the problem is" does not credit anybody else with intelligence, or we would also 'not 
see what the problem is", right?  But we are not you, don't have your experience, aren't writing your software, and most 
of us will not see your issues unless you explain them thoroughly.

"This would be cool" is not a thorough explanation, does not list use-cases, provides no list of pro's and con's, and 
provides no evidence that you have thoroughly thought through your proposal.

At least, that's my take on the matter.


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