[Python-es] Asociación y PyConEs

Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez juanlu001 en gmail.com
Sab Nov 17 11:01:18 CET 2012

Este es el mensaje que he enviado al Meetup de Python Barcelona:


Hi everybody! My name is Juan Luis Cano, I am an engineering student part
of the Python Madrid user group and I am in the will of organize the first
PyCon in Spain by fall-winter '13. This is not the first time that somebody
comes up with the idea of a PyConES, but we are in the good path now.

I started a thread about it (in Spanish) in the python-hispano mailing
list, and I kindly invite all of you who want to collaborate with us:


I know that for example Raúl Cumplido is already aware of our efforts about
this by the beginning of the summer, and in fact he looked for a nice place
to celebrate the conference. A week ago I proposed in the mailing list and
through my Twitter account (@Pybonacci) to re-raise this topic, and it
seems it is gaining lots of momentum.

We seem to have two pending tasks: create a Spanish-wide Python association
and fix a city and a place for the event. For the first thing, I think it
would be great to count on people from all over the country: that's why I
recall your attention. For the second thing, we have some candidates in
Madrid and also the Universidad de Sevilla, but if you manage to find a
place that fit our requirements it would be great too!

I invite you to head to that thread in the mailing list to start helping at
any level, or to contact me directly if you prefer.

Thanks in advance, best regards

Juan Luis Cano
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