I can't select with a click the statictext widget and move it

Carlos Zuniga carlos.zun en gmail.com
Dom Jun 25 05:49:29 CEST 2006

On 6/23/06, Daniel Muñiz Fontoira <dmunhiz en gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> My name is Daniel from Spain
> Features configuration
> ---------------------------------
> In Linux Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
> Boa versión 4.4
> wx ubuntu
> In Windows XP
> Boa 0.4.4
> wx msw unicode
> --------------------------------
> Question:
> I can't select with a click the statictext widget and move it. But in windows thats work fine.
> The question is:
> In mode layout I try to move statictext but I couldn't select it.
> But the textbox is posible select and move it, Why?
> Thank you!
> Sorry my english.
You should be, this is a list in spanish ;)

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