EuroPython Conference 2003 Call for Participation

Alex Martelli alex en
Mie Abr 9 14:37:36 CEST 2003

Hello folks,

the EuroPython Conference 2003 (EPC2003) will take place in
Charleroi, Belgium, on June 25-27, 2003.  We are looking for
participation in the various conference tracks:
    Python Frameworks
    Python Language
    Python in Business
    Python in Science and Industry
in the form of talks of 30 or 45 minutes, and/or tutorials of 2
hours.  Anything cool and interesting about Python is welcome:
if you fear it might not fit in the tracks, submit it anyway,
we'll do our best to find a way to let you present it!

The EuroPython Conference is held in English.  Entry to the
Conference is free for speakers, except for a EUR 50,00 catering
charge.  Travel and lodging expenses for speakers are up to the
speakers (no financial assistance is available from EPC2003).

Deadline for all EPC2003 submissions is Monday, April 21, 2003.

For all details, see -- in particular:
track descriptions
official CFP
to submit, visit

See you in Charleroi, I hope!


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