[Python-Dev] Proposing the deprecation of the pyvenv script

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Sat Sep 19 11:12:52 CEST 2015

On 19.09.2015 07:24, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Barry Warsaw writes:
>   > One thing that came up in a similar discussion is pip, and the
>   > suggested move to `python -m pip`, which makes a lot of sense.
>   > However, *inside* a virtualenv, there's no ambiguity about the
>   > Python version associated with direct `pip` invocation, so it still
>   > makes sense to install that there.
> And then the poor newbie who's just following orders (eg, in
> mailman3/src/mailman/docs/INSTALL<wink/>) will try pip'ing outside of
> the virtualenv for some reason, and have a WTF experience.  I think we
> should KISS the pip command good-bye.

The only question I have: is there a particular reason (not technical 
one) why there are many pips on my PC?

I would imagine 1 pip for the whole OS, that is capable to install 
packages inside arbitrary venvs AND handles different versions of Python.


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