[Python-Dev] Embedding Python 3.5

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 21:39:03 CEST 2015

On 9 September 2015 at 17:16, Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
> Don't bother reading into SxS assemblies. It may work, but it will destroy
> more brain cells than are worth wasting on it. :)

:-) Yeah, I looked at SxS once before and sprained my brain. But the
summary on the numpy wiki looked like a digestible summary, so I may
just take another look for curiosity. (That's probably what the guys
who summoned Cthulhu thought... ;-))

> Certainly putting the distro into a subdirectory is what I had expected
> would be common. In general, putting application directories in PATH is
> considered poor form, but unfortunately we don't have a better approach
> (there are App Paths, but those only work via the shell).

Yep, that's sort of the norm, and I don't *really* object to it. But
I'd delete python(w).exe so they didn't hide a full distribution.

> Another approach you could use is making a separate directory to put on PATH
> that contains stub executables (or symlinks?) to launch the actual ones from
> a separate directory. That way you can control exactly what is available on
> PATH while still launching from a directory that is not on PATH.

That's nice. The only problems with that are that I've never been
comfortable with symlinks on Windows (because they need admin privs,
mainly) and I prefer to avoid stubs because they mean there's an extra
process - that latter's a bit of a silly objection (it works fine for
py.exe and pip's executable wrappers), though.

Thanks for the ideas. As I thought, it's more of a general Windows
development question in the end, rather than a Python one. So sorry
for the off-topic question (I blame the Python community for being so
helpful ;-))


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