[Python-Dev] Embedding Python 3.5

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Wed Sep 9 18:16:56 CEST 2015

On 09Sep2015 0819, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 9 September 2015 at 16:11, Carl Kleffner <cmkleffner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A good overview on this topic is given on
>> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/wiki/windows-dll-notes. As a side note the
>> PATH is usually the latest place in the search order of DLLs. Pre-loading
>> python35.dll into the process space from within vim could be a possible
>> solution.
> Thank you for this. From a very quick read, it looks like I could put
> the embedded Python files in a directory ...\gvim.exe.local. I'll give
> that a try (there's a downside, in that I'd need a duplicate copy in
> ...\vim.exe.local if I wanted the console version to work too). It
> looks like SxS assemblies might help too, but that'll need a bit more
> reading before I understand it :-)

Don't bother reading into SxS assemblies. It may work, but it will 
destroy more brain cells than are worth wasting on it. :)

Certainly putting the distro into a subdirectory is what I had expected 
would be common. In general, putting application directories in PATH is 
considered poor form, but unfortunately we don't have a better approach 
(there are App Paths, but those only work via the shell).

Another approach you could use is making a separate directory to put on 
PATH that contains stub executables (or symlinks?) to launch the actual 
ones from a separate directory. That way you can control exactly what is 
available on PATH while still launching from a directory that is not on 


> Paul

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