[Python-Dev] Python 3.4: Cherry-picking into rc2 and final

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Feb 19 13:20:13 CET 2014

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:46:16 -0800
Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> I do think there's one legitimate concern -- someone might pull a diff from
> Larry's branch and then accidentally push it back to the public repo, and
> then Larry would be in trouble if he was planning to rebase that diff. (The
> joys of DVCS -- we never had this problem in the cvs or svn days...)

I don't think I understand the concern. Why is this different from any
other mistake someone may make when pushing code?
Also "rebase" is only really ok on private repos, as soon as something
is published you should use "merge".



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