[Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs, iteration 2

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Mar 25 18:17:14 CEST 2012

On 25.03.2012 10:06, Peter Otten wrote:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>> Here's another try, mainly with default browser font size, more contrast
>> and collapsible sidebar again:
>> http://www.python.org/~gbrandl/build/html2/
> Nice! Lightweight and readable.
>>From the bikeshedding department:
> * Inlined code doesn't need the gray background. The bold font makes it 
> stand out enough.
> * Instead of the box consider italics or another color for [New in ...] 
> text.

Yes, I'll revert to italics as most people don't seem to like the colored boxes.

> * Nobody is going to switch off the prompts for interactive sessions.

You'll laugh, but that was a pretty often-wished feature so that copy-paste
gets easier.  It'll certainly stay.

> * Maybe the Next/Previous Page headers on the left could link to the 
> respective page.

I see no reason since the links below already do.

> * Short descriptions in the module index don't need italics.
> * The disambiguation in the index table could use a different style instead 
> of the parentheses.

These two would need to be changed in Sphinx.


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