[Python-Dev] backporting stdlib 2.7.x from pypy to cpython

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jun 11 18:39:43 CEST 2012

On Jun 11, 2012, at 04:58 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>1. Asking on python-dev is considered adequate. If an implementation
>wants to be consulted on changes, one or more of their developers
>*must* follow python-dev sufficiently closely that they don't miss
>cross-VM compatibility questions.

That's certainly my preference.

>(My concern is that this isn't
>reliable - we know from experience that other VMs can miss such
>questions when they're mixed in with the rest of the python-dev
>2. As 1, but we adopt a subject line convention to make it easier to
>filter out general python-dev traffic for those that are just
>interested in cross-vm questions


>As Brett pointed out, it's similar to the resurrection of import-sig -
>we know that decisions aren't final until they're resolved on
>python-dev, but it also means we're not flooding python-dev with
>interminable arcane discussions on import system internals.

I personally already ignore much of python-dev and only chime in on subjects I
both care about and delude myself into thinking I have something useful to
contribute.  For cases where I miss something and need to catch up, Gmane is


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