[Python-Dev] audience-instructors for Teach Me Python Bugfixing needed

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu May 6 17:29:33 CEST 2010


> Who lives close enough to Ohio to make it to PyOhio this summer?  I want
> to use PyOhio to create new Python devs (including myself), but I need
> some existing ones to seed the process.

I'm not really answering your question (I'm very far from Ohio), but a 
good way to start up without physically meeting a core dev in your area 
would be to look for bugs in the issue tracker and start tackling those 
that tickle your interest. "Tackling" here can mean proposing a patch, or 
giving advice, or asking for guidance on how to produce a patch for that 
particular issue, or even reviewing an existing patch. You don't have to 
be a CPython expert to try this; just be prepared to spend some time 
exchanging with other people who will point out possible mistakes, or 
teach you some of the annoying idiosyncrasies.

Scanning through open issues will also give you a general idea of what 
kind of functionalities are looking for improvement, or need fixing.

(you can create a new issue and start tackling it yourself, too)

Also, if you have enough free time, you can hang out on #python-dev, 
which can speed up the process, but it's not required.

You can also find formal information about the development process here:



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