[Python-Dev] audience-instructors for Teach Me Python Bugfixing needed

Doug Hellmann doug.hellmann at gmail.com
Thu May 6 17:01:58 CEST 2010

What an excellent idea!  We should have these at *every* regional  


On May 6, 2010, at 10:47 AM, Catherine Devlin wrote:

> Hey, everybody... I'm Catherine, a database administrator who makes  
> up excuses to write Python instead.
> I'm not actually here as a core developer, but as somebody who hopes  
> to become a developer and recruit some more, which brings me to my  
> question:
> Who lives close enough to Ohio to make it to PyOhio this summer?  I  
> want to use PyOhio to create new Python devs (including myself), but  
> I need some existing ones to seed the process.
> I need a few veterans (3?) who can commit to come to PyOhio and take  
> part as audience/instructors in a "Teach Me [Python core / standard  
> library] Bugfixing" session.  (See http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/2010/04/bugfixing-at-pyohio.html.) 
>   The PyOhio Call for Proposals is up May 10 so I'd better find you  
> quick!
> I'm pretty much ignorant enough to lead a Teach Me session.  In a  
> Teach Me session, the person at the projector *doesn't* know the  
> material.  Instead, she asks the audience questions ("How do I find  
> a bug to work on?"), and they talk her through it.  It's based on  
> Teach Me Twisted, a mind-blowing session Steve Holden led at PyCon  
> 2008 (http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/2008/03/teach-me-twisted.html 
> ).  I think it's a fantastic way to teach, but it depends on some  
> veterans being in the audience.  There are folks in the greater  
> Python community eager to get hold of a video of such a session...  
> if we do this well, it could become an important tool in keeping the  
> quality of core Python code high.
> And all I need from you, my audience-instructors, is a promise to  
> show up (no preparation necessary).  Can you make it?  Can you pass  
> the appeal on to others you know of?
> Thanks!  Hope to see you in July!
> -- 
> - Catherine
> http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/
> *** PyOhio 2010 * July 31 - Aug 1 * Columbus, OH * pyohio.org ***
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