[Python-Dev] New Summary Lists on Issue Tracker

Ezio Melotti ezio.melotti at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 17:09:11 CEST 2010

  On 11/08/2010 17.59, Mark Dickinson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Tim Golden<mail at timgolden.me.uk>  wrote:
>> Thanks to whoever's been working on the new Summary lists on the Issue
>> Tracker.
> Ezio Melotti, I assume.

Yes :)
(see http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta/issue329)

>> The "Followed by you" / "Created by you" / "Assigned to you" are just what
>> the doctor ordered.
> Agreed.  Now I can get rid of my own equivalent custom searches. :)
> One niggle:  we seem to have lost the simple 'Open Issues' search
> under 'Summaries' on the left-hand side of the page.

I was expecting someone to complain about it.

> This feels a bit
> odd, given that it's what's displayed by default when a non-registered
> user goes to http://bugs.python.org.  If that non-registered user then
> clicks on something else, like 'easy issues', there doesn't seem to be
> any easy way (that I can see) to go back to the original list of all
> open issues.

There actually is an easy way: the big python logo on the top left of 
the page.
However I understand that this is not so obvious, so I can either add 
back the 'open issues' link or try to make it more obvious.

> Of course, as a registered user, I can add my own custom search for
> that if I want it.  But I can't help feeling that non-registered users
> might miss this.
> Mark

Best Regards,
Ezio Melotti

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