[Python-Dev] Update to Python Documentation Website Request

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Tue Jul 28 02:32:27 CEST 2009

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 20:12:54 +0900, "Stephen J. Turnbull"
<stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:
> Not you; pythonpkgmgr.  You've said nothing about how pythonpkgmgr is
> supposed to deal with multiple installed versions of Python

Under windows it can deal with multiple versions of python. You just
go to options and select which version of python you wish to manage.

It's as simple as that.

> or how it helps if you need a custom version of a
> module, etc., or how it can help the developer's "local" modules
> cooperate/not interfere with system versions, etc.

It manages local developer modules for python 2.6+.

As for checks, it doesn't have so many at present. But it makes
it a lot easier to see what you have installed. So if something
needs to be removed and reinstalled - it can do that.

> Pave the road to DLL Hell with good intentions, of course.

Well - there's plenty of that

>  > A developer shouldn't need to do sudo every time they want
>  > to put or try some python package from pypi.
> I don't remember *ever* sudo-ing to try a package from pypi.

ok. But if you were using an O/S level package manager you
would have to enter a su password to start the tool. Because
that is needed to load packages into /usr/lib/pythonX.y

> I just don't understand what problem you're claiming to solve.  

Making it simpler for new users to find and install packages
from pypi. And manage the existing packages that are installed
on their machine.

> The
> problem of managing local package space is in some sense solved by
> virtualenv, but you haven't mentioned that at all.  

I never heard of it till a few months ago. To my knowledge it
doesn't offer a gui. I'm told it's good for certain things and
I believe it.

My problem was installing packages on windows boxes, not in
the development.

> Is pythonpkgmgr an
> alternative?  A complement?  to virtualenv or zc.buildout?

pythonpkgmgr is aimed at featherweight users. It could be
highly complementory to both virtualenv or zc.buildout at
some stage if it were customised to work with those.

For example, it could work with virtualenv by having a
a drop down list of the different 'environments'. I don't
know how to do it right now - but I'm hoping I can figure
it out sometime.

With zc.buildout, there's no reason why it couldn't generate
a package list in that format, or do an import from a
manifest. pythonpkgmgr already can generate a list of
local packages as a manifest - but not in the zc.buildout
format. I'm sure in the future - I'll figure that one out
as well.


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