[Python-Dev] Re: new syntax for wrapping (PEP 318)

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Feb 26 09:16:33 EST 2004

"Moore, Paul" <Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com> writes:

> So where do we go from here? Is anyone willing to modify MWH's patch to
> implement the "as" syntax, resulting in a PEP with associated
> implementation which can be submitted for approval? Should the PEP be
> changed to propose a syntax that matches the existing patch?

If Guido is in faviour of the 'as' variant, I can do it.  There's more
to it than that, though, as PEP 306 explains.  Bob Ippolito said he
would help with what remains.


 Very clever implementation techniques are required to implement this
 insanity correctly and usefully, not to mention that code written
 with this feature used and abused east and west is exceptionally
 exciting to debug.       -- Erik Naggum on Algol-style "call-by-name"

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