[Python-Dev] Re: new syntax for wrapping (PEP 318)

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com
Thu Feb 26 08:48:07 EST 2004

From: Barry Warsaw
> On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 02:43, Josiah Carlson wrote:
>> You (and others) have convinced me.  There exists a reasonably large
>> number of use-cases, even if I don't have one.  The real question is
>> whether everyone can decide on a good syntax.
> We won't, so if the PEP's accepted, the BDFL will do it for us.  That's
> why we keep him around <wink>.

The PEP doesn't specify where discussion should take place, but the
author hasn't participated here. At some point, he (or someone else) is
going to have to put the PEP forward for acceptance.

At the moment, the PEP appears fairly strongly in favour of "as" and
against the use of brackets. But the author admits that he has not
got the expertise to provide an implementation.

So where do we go from here? Is anyone willing to modify MWH's patch to
implement the "as" syntax, resulting in a PEP with associated
implementation which can be submitted for approval? Should the PEP be
changed to propose a syntax that matches the existing patch?

I've copied the PEP author, in the hope that he can share his views.


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