[Python-Dev] Demos and Tools in binary distributions

logistix logistix@cathoderaymission.net
Fri, 2 May 2003 10:12:32 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 2 May 2003, Michael Hudson wrote:

> Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl> writes:
> > There's a suggestion over on pythonmac-sig that I add the Demos and
> > Tools directories to a binary installer for MacPython for OSX. For
> > MacPython-OS9 I've always included these, as the OS9 installed tree
> > was really the same layout as the source tree. But I don't really
> > know where I should put them for OSX.
> Surely this is more a question about OSX than Python?  I.e. the
> examples should go where the user expects them.
> /Developer/Examples/Python?  Of course, not everyone who installs
> Python will have the dev tools...
> Cheers,
> M.

Are there currently any make targets for 'tools' and 'demos'? Adding them 
might be a way to gently influence where they get installed when all the 
different distros build thier packages.