[Python-cuba] Fwd: Members of the Python-Cuba WG will meet President Obama tomorrow *in Havana*

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 21:50:21 EDT 2016

On 3/20/16, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 20, 2016 17:11, "Jacqueline Kazil" <jackiekazil at gmail.com> wrote:


Thanks for the advice . I really liked everything I read . It is
unfortunate that we had not as much time as I'd liked to nail things
down .

>> I am on a train to NYC right now, then on another to DC,
>> so I have some time to help w/ the one pager.

I'd appreciate your help , yes .

>> If you kick off of google doc,

Unfortunately I cannot access Google Docs from here now , sorry ...
GMail and only in basic HTML view

>> I can help w/ formatting, and tying in some of the initiatives
>> that he has been working on to make sure that you are
>> speaking to him directly.

This was a tremendous surprise for me ... and I'm really on hurry
right now . In any case , I think I'll have a time to take a look at
all contributions sent by tomorrow morning . Thanks in advance !

>> I am confused by this email.
>> Why was this sent to individuals and not the python-cuba wg?
> A situation rectified in seconds so no worries right?

Thanks !

To clarify things a bit , it's a bilateral business meeting organized
by the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba, which might be the event President
Obama mentioned when he said "I’ll meet with Cuban entrepreneurs to
learn how we can help them start new ventures" [1]_


.. [1] https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/02/20/weekly-address-new-chapter-cuba


Olemis - @olemislc

Apache™ Bloodhound contributor

Brython committer

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