[Python-cuba] DIY in Cuba: a couple Youtubes (chatty post)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 00:45:41 EST 2016

Not super-directly related to software, but definitely connected to "Maker"
DIY (do it yourself) movement / theme:

https://youtu.be/v-XS4aueDUg  ("technological disobedience" i.e. breaking
the boundaries my re-purposing [1]).

https://youtu.be/urTPsSFV2y8  (I'm sure the full version of this one is
easy to find)

Both about Cuba, just thought I'd mention.

We screened the latter recently at our weekly meeting of older geeks (a few
whom knew Linus Pauling personally -- we meet in his boyhood home, a famous
Oregonian we're proud of, x2 Nobel prizes, one for chemistry, other for

Hey there Mr. Mertz if you're out there:  I'm perusing your book on
Functional Programming in Python, having been immersed in Fluent Python
before that.  I continue posting to edu-sig from time to time.

Bio update:  I've been a Python3 teacher for O'Reilly School since awhile
back however said school (experimental) has closed its doors and I've
started teaching at PDX Code Guild among other places.


I tend to write code for teaching purposes though in the past I was an
applications developer, but not in Python.

For instance I recently wrote a tiny Flask application that does nothing
more than tell a browser what chess piece has been mouse-clicked on,
JavaScript needing to use AJAXy server call to discover out anything about
the model... mostly it's not even that fancy.  Purely for didactic purposes.

At least I get to write code though, and for that I am grateful.


[1]  connects to what Santa Fe Institute mentor Stuart Kauffman calls

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