Mon Apr 22 23:31:25 CEST 2002

>>> Dan Stromberg <strombrg at nis.acs.uci.edu> 04/22/02 23:21 PM >>>
I'd recommend ignoring blowfish and implementing AES (rijndael) if there
isn't such a module already.  Blowfish's creator, I believe, considers
blowfish too immature for production use.  AES is going to be the one
getting the scrutiny now.

I am afraid that AES is a bit too hard to implement?
I havn't tried, I've written a few cryto programs in C++ before(A
"one-touch-pad" type, and an RSA prog), but nothing advanced when it
comes to symmetrical cyphers.
If anything , the math might be a bit too much for me..
Got any good pages on AES then? Maybe I'll write both...:)


On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 10:58:18PM +0200, FREDRIK HULDTGREN wrote:
> I am looking for some information about the blowfish algoritm, mainly
> how it works.
> :)

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