[python-committers] Last-minute request: please backport bpo-33329 fix to 3.4 and 3.5

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Sun Mar 3 22:19:25 EST 2019

tl;dr: everything is now fine.

Cheryl Sabella made PRs and Miro reviewed them.  Miro isn't a core dev 
tho, so I also reviewed everything carefully and Approved it.  The PRs 
are merged, the regression test suite now passes in both branches, and 
the issue is once again marked closed on the tracker.  I hope to release 
my RCs later today.  (Right now I'm stuck due to an unrelated 
problem--permissions problem, resulting from recent server changes 
behind the scenes.)

Enjoy your time off,


On 3/2/19 6:55 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> Le 02/03/2019 à 07:05, Larry Hastings a écrit :
>> This bug in bpo-33329:
>>      https://bugs.python.org/issue33329
>> was fixed for 3.6+, but it also affects 3.4 and 3.5.  The bug is that
>> with newer versions of glibc--which I'm pretty sure has shipped on all
>> major Linux distros by now--the test suite may send signals that are
>> invalid somehow.  As a result the test suite... blocks forever?  I
>> think?  Anyway the observed resulting behavior is that there are three
>> regression tests in each branch that seemingly never complete.  I
>> started the 3.4 regression test suite /nine hours ago/ and it still
>> claims to be running--and the 3.5 test suite isn't far behind.
>> Technically, no, it's not a security bug.  But I simply can't ship 3.4
>> and 3.5 in this sorry state.
>> Obviously it'd be best if the folks involved with the original PRs
>> (Antoine?) took over.
> Well, I don't know how to backport a PR to 3.4 or 3.5.  I can only say
> that backporting sounds fine to me (also: I don't really have the time
> right now, and I'll be away the next two weeks).
> Regards
> Antoine.
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