[python-committers] Timeline to vote for a governance PEP

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sun Nov 4 03:35:19 EST 2018

Is it safe for people not interested in voting systems to ignore the rest
of this thread? I hope that if there's an update on the voting period or
specifics on how to vote (or what the choices are) these will be posted to
a new thread. I want to mute this one.

On Sun, Nov 4, 2018 at 12:24 AM Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> wrote:

> [Tim]
> >> ... when there _was_ a Condorcet winner, the results page said
> >>
> >>   (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)
> >>
> >> next to the winning candidate.  Given that the results page also gives
> >> a color-coded matrix of pairwise preference counts, verifying this is
> >> trivial by eyeball ... if and only if all the cells in the top row are
> >> colored green ...
> [Donald]
> > You’re right. I simulated an election without a Condorcet winner, but
> > where the voting mechanisms would otherwise select a winner (just
> > using the example from the Schulze Wikipedia page), it says
> > "(Not defeated in any contest vs. another choice)”, instead.
> Errrrrrrr ... I wonder why?!  I had seen that in one of the public
> polls, but in that case the winner's row was all green except for a
> single yellow square. which meant the winner _tied_ with another in a
> one-on-one contest.  So "not defeated" was correct.  But here:
> > An example can be found at:
> >
> https://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?num_winners=1&id=E_4191dbfb94efecb6&algorithm=beatpath
> .
> there's a red square in the winner's (top) row:  the winner (E)
> _lost_, 24 to 21, to #3 (C).  It's just not true that E wasn't
> defeated in any one-on-one contest.
> Oh well.  Best to ignore the words and look at the colors instead :-)
> > Just for kicks I added enough ballots so that there would be a Condorcet
> > winner, and I verified that the above is true, and an example can be
> found at
> >
> https://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?num_winners=1&id=E_31f80ce0986ce98c&algorithm=beatpath
> .
> Yup - and top row all green.
> > So that means if we go with it, we can let CIVS tally for us and we’ll
> just
> > look for a Condorcet winner instead of another kind of winner.
> Yes, it will tell us instantly (when the election ends) whether
> there's a Condorcet winner, and regardless of which method's radio
> button happens to be selected.
> > Of course since all of the anonymized ballots are public, people are
> free to
> > compute it themselves as well.
> And I bet someone will.  I'm too old ;-)
> >> ...
> >> """
> >> The election supervisor can determine whether a voter has voted only
> >> with the permission of the voter and only after the election has
> >> ended.
> >> “""
> > Maybe they mean that if you contact them they can look that information
> > up? I’m looking and I don’t see any UI that lets me do that, so either
> > it’s not implemented, it was removed, I’m missing it, or it requires
> > contacting them.
> Can't help, beyond noting that the election supervisor sure doesn't
> appear to have any mechanical way to prove a voter gives permission -
> and since their side threw away voters' email addresses, they have no
> way to contact voters to ask either.
> They do save crypto hashes of email addresses, so perhaps if you asked
> them, they could give you a magic string you could in turn give to a
> voter who in turn could send that string back to them from the same
> email address they used to vote.  Or something ;-)
> > ...
> > It can also optionally let people pick no opinion, though I’m not sure
> of the utility
> > of that. It basically means, as I understand it, that in any pairwise
> contest that
> > includes a option you had no opinion on, your ballot would just not be
> included.
> In effect, I bet that's all there is to it.  If there are C
> candidates, all these methods start by building a CxC matrix M such
> that M[i, j] counts the number of ballots that ranked candidate i
> higher than candidate j.
> If a full set of distinct rankings is required, then for every ballot,
> exactly one of M[i, j] and M[j,i] will be incremented for every i != j
> pair.
> If i != j are ranked the same on some ballot, then neither M[i, j] nor
> M[j, i] will be incremented for that ballot.
> If i is missing on some ballot, then M[i, j] and M[j, i] will be left
> alone for all j for that ballot.
> > The FAQ on this says:
> >
> >
> > What does “no opinion” mean? It means you are providing no information
> about
> > how this choice ranks with respect to the other choices. For example, if
> you give
> > one choice the rank 1, and give all other choices the rank “no opinion”,
> your
> > ballot becomes useless because it doesn't express any preferences.
> > Voters often pick “no opinion” when what they mean is that they don't
> like the choice
> In that case they should rank it near the bottom instead.
> > or that they don't have any information about it.
> Which is surely what it's _intended_ to be used for!  "No opinion", in
> which case the ballot doesn't pretend the missing choice is either
> better or worse than any other choice.  You're leaving its fate
> entirely to people who _do_ have an opinion then.
> > In these situations, it is often better to give the choice a low rank
> rather than
> > to select “no opinion”. A good reason for a voter to give a choice the
> rank
> > “no opinion” is because the voter isn't supposed to express an opinion
> > about that choice.
> Heh - who runs a vote where voters aren't "supposed" to express their
> opinions?  Or is this site hosted in the DPRK? ;-)
> > It sounds to me like no opinion is a bit of a footgun here, so I think
> it makes
> > sense not to allow it (probably the case of where you don’t have an
> opinion,
> > you’re better off just ranking it last like the FAQ suggests).
> I'd disallow it, but because it's likely to be misunderstood.  The
> _usual_ treatment of missing rankings in a Condorcet scheme is that
> they're shorthand for saying "least favored".  For example, in a
> 17-person primary, you just rank your 3 favorites, and it's understood
> that the other 14 are all tied for last place in your eyes.
> That's _very_ different from treating them as "no opinion".  In the
> primary, you're recording 3 losses for each of the missing 14, and you
> wholly _intend_ to give them those losses.
> > ...
> > Yea. And my suggestion of Ernest is that well, an evil Ernest can
> already fuck
> > shit up for the Python community way beyond trying to change how we make
> > decisions about PEPs and such (and he’s not a core dev, so he doesn’t
> have
> > a horse in this race). Although I don’t really care who runs it, I think
> anyone
> > here is going to be honest about it.
> >
> > I can say as a supervisor you also can’t see how people have voted at
> all until
> > after the voting ends. You can only see how many people voted. This
> makes it
> > harder to meaningfully influence the election because you won’t be able
> to
> > make targeted, strategic puppet votes without either doing it blindly or
> flooding
> > the votes to a degree that it would be obvious.
> No problem here with any of that.  Potential dishonesty in PythonLand
> is far less a problem than that we fail to get anything done fretting
> about proving how nothing could possibly be manipulated.  In fact, we
> could almost certainly trust any one of the competing PEP's authors to
> tally the votes, destroy the ballots, and just tell us who won :--)
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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