[python-committers] [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 3.4.5 and Python 3.5.2 are now available

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Tue Jun 28 14:34:12 EDT 2016

On 27Jun2016 1616, Larry Hastings wrote:
> I've added a note.
>     * Windows users: Some virus scanners (most notably "Microsoft
>     Security Essentials") are flagging
>     "Lib/distutils/command/wininst-14.0.exe" as malware. This is a
>     "false positive": the file does not contain any malware. We build it
>     ourselves, from source, on a known-clean system. We've asked that
>     this false positive report be removed, and expect action soon. In
>     the meantime, please don't be alarmed to see this warning when
>     installing Python 3.5.2, or when scanning any earlier version of 3.5.
>     https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-352/

FWIW, it looks like today's definition update for Security Essentials 
has fixed the false positive (I would've liked an acknowledgement from 
the submission email, but I'll settle for a fix :) ).

Given basically everyone will get the definition update fairly quickly, 
I don't think this is an issue any more.


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