[python-committers] Three wishes for Mercurial-Roundup integration

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sat Sep 3 08:42:12 CEST 2011

Am 02.09.2011 18:53, schrieb Éric Araujo:

>>> 3) To let us track the backport of changesets from cpython/packaging to
>>> distutils2, I would like the script to look at changesets in the
>>> distutils2 repo and send messages to Roundup when a bug number is detected.
>> Sure.  Should be a simple [hooks] entry.
> Changing this requires admin access to hg.python.org, doesn’t it?  Can
> Antoine or you make the changes (benchmarks, devguide, d2)?  Thanks.

This should be done; please let me know if it doesn't work as intended.


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