[python-committers] When do we stop automerging from trunk to py3k?

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Tue Apr 27 12:23:59 CEST 2010

Pardon my general n00bishness, but I crave knowledge.  IIUC currently if 
you have a checkin in trunk that you *don't* want merged into py3k, you 
must svnmerge block it in py3k.  Otherwise it will be automatically 
merged at some point.

My question is: when will we stop doing that?  I assume that as time 
passes trunk and py3k will continue to drift further and further apart.  
My guess is that more checkins are blocked than are allowed through.  So 
when will we stop the automerging?

Or is this question a sign of a more fundamental misunderstanding?

I'm afraid I have to tell you even I really just don't know,


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