[python-committers] help with svnmerge

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Tue Mar 10 23:54:02 CET 2009

Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> What I've used when I'm merging a single revision is this:

<details deleted>

I think the more pressing question that needs documenting is: "Given 
that there are 4 active branches, in which order do I check things in 
and merge them?"

Martin gave an answer to this on December 22, and I refer to it often. It's:

Instead, you should commit it into trunk, and then run svnmerge.py three
times, namely:

- in a release26-maint checkout, run

     svnmerge.py -r<yourrev>
     svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-something-press-tab

- in a py3k checkout, run

     svnmerge.py -r<yourrev>
     svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-something-press-tab

- in a release30-maint check, then run

    svnmerge.py -r<revfrom3k>
    svn revert .
    svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-something-press-tab


I think it was later corrected that the "svn revert" should be "svn 
resolved", if it's needed at all. But I'm not sure about that. As I 
recall, I've never needed that step.


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