[Python-checkins] distutils2: Merge from Alexis

tarek.ziade python-checkins at python.org
Sun Aug 8 11:50:47 CEST 2010

tarek.ziade pushed 251a40b381cb to distutils2:

changeset:   475:251a40b381cb
parent:      443:0f543ed42707
parent:      474:437bda319048
user:        ?ric Araujo <merwok at netwok.org>
date:        Thu Aug 05 16:54:59 2010 +0200
summary:     Merge from Alexis
files:       docs/source/index.rst, docs/source/pypi.rst, src/distutils2/index/dist.py, src/distutils2/index/simple.py, src/distutils2/index/wrapper.py, src/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py, src/distutils2/metadata.py, src/distutils2/pypi/__init__.py, src/distutils2/pypi/dist.py, src/distutils2/pypi/errors.py, src/distutils2/pypi/simple.py, src/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py, src/distutils2/tests/test_index_dist.py, src/distutils2/tests/test_index_simple.py, src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_dist.py, src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_simple.py, src/distutils2/util.py

diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-   pypi
+   projects-index
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/docs/source/pypi.rst b/docs/source/projects-index.client.rst
rename from docs/source/pypi.rst
rename to docs/source/projects-index.client.rst
--- a/docs/source/pypi.rst
+++ b/docs/source/projects-index.client.rst
@@ -1,195 +1,20 @@
-Tools to query PyPI: the PyPI package
+High level API to Query indexes
-Distutils2 comes with a module (eg. `distutils2.pypi`) which contains
-facilities to access the Python Package Index (named "pypi", and avalaible on
-the url `http://pypi.python.org`.
+Distutils2 provides a high level API to query indexes, search for releases and
+distributions, no matters the underlying API you want to use.
-There is two ways to retrieve data from pypi: using the *simple* API, and using
-*XML-RPC*. The first one is in fact a set of HTML pages avalaible at
-`http://pypi.python.org/simple/`, and the second one contains a set of XML-RPC
-methods. In order to reduce the overload caused by running distant methods on 
-the pypi server (by using the XML-RPC methods), the best way to retrieve 
-informations is by using the simple API, when it contains the information you 
-Distutils2 provides two python modules to ease the work with those two APIs:
-`distutils2.pypi.simple` and `distutils2.pypi.xmlrpc`. Both of them depends on 
-another python module: `distutils2.pypi.dist`.
-Requesting information via the "simple" API `distutils2.pypi.simple`
-`distutils2.pypi.simple` can process the Python Package Index and return and 
-download urls of distributions, for specific versions or latests, but it also 
-can process external html pages, with the goal to find *pypi unhosted* versions 
-of python distributions.
-You should use `distutils2.pypi.simple` for: 
-    * Search distributions by name and versions.
-    * Process pypi external pages.
-    * Download distributions by name and versions.
-And should not be used to:
-    * Things that will end up in too long index processing (like "finding all
-      distributions with a specific version, no matters the name")
+The aim of this module is to choose the best way to query the API, using the
+less possible XML-RPC, and when possible the simple index.
-Here is a complete overview of the APIs of the SimpleIndex class.
+The client comes with the common methods "find_projects", "get_release" and
+"get_releases", which helps to query the servers, and returns
+:class:`distutils2.index.dist.ReleaseInfo`, and
+:class:`distutils2.index.dist.ReleasesList` objects.
-.. autoclass:: distutils2.pypi.simple.SimpleIndex
+.. autoclass:: distutils2.index.wrapper.ClientWrapper
-Usage Exemples
-To help you understand how using the `SimpleIndex` class, here are some basic
-Request PyPI to get a specific distribution
-Supposing you want to scan the PyPI index to get a list of distributions for 
-the "foobar" project. You can use the "find" method for that::
-    >>> from distutils2.pypi import SimpleIndex
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex()
-    >>> client.find("foobar")
-    [<PyPIDistribution "Foobar 1.1">, <PyPIDistribution "Foobar 1.2">]
-Note that you also can request the client about specific versions, using version
-specifiers (described in `PEP 345 
-    >>> client.find("foobar < 1.2")
-    [<PyPIDistribution "foobar 1.1">, ]
-`find` returns a list of distributions, but you also can get the last
-distribution (the more up to date) that fullfil your requirements, like this::
-    >>> client.get("foobar < 1.2")
-    <PyPIDistribution "foobar 1.1">
-Download distributions
-As it can get the urls of distributions provided by PyPI, the `SimpleIndex` 
-client also can download the distributions and put it for you in a temporary
-    >>> client.download("foobar")
-    /tmp/temp_dir/foobar-1.2.tar.gz
-You also can specify the directory you want to download to::
-    >>> client.download("foobar", "/path/to/my/dir")
-    /path/to/my/dir/foobar-1.2.tar.gz
-While downloading, the md5 of the archive will be checked, if not matches, it
-will try another time, then if fails again, raise `MD5HashDoesNotMatchError`.
-Internally, that's not the SimpleIndex which download the distributions, but the
-`PyPIDistribution` class. Please refer to this documentation for more details.
-Following PyPI external links
-The default behavior for distutils2 is to *not* follow the links provided
-by HTML pages in the "simple index", to find distributions related
-It's possible to tell the PyPIClient to follow external links by setting the 
-`follow_externals` attribute, on instanciation or after::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(follow_externals=True)
-or ::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex()
-    >>> client.follow_externals = True
-Working with external indexes, and mirrors
-The default `SimpleIndex` behavior is to rely on the Python Package index stored
-on PyPI (http://pypi.python.org/simple).
-As you can need to work with a local index, or private indexes, you can specify
-it using the index_url parameter::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(index_url="file://filesystem/path/")
-or ::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(index_url="http://some.specific.url/")
-You also can specify mirrors to fallback on in case the first index_url you
-provided doesnt respond, or not correctly. The default behavior for
-`SimpleIndex` is to use the list provided by Python.org DNS records, as
-described in the :pep:`381` about mirroring infrastructure.
-If you don't want to rely on these, you could specify the list of mirrors you
-want to try by specifying the `mirrors` attribute. It's a simple iterable::
-    >>> mirrors = ["http://first.mirror","http://second.mirror"]
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(mirrors=mirrors)
-Requesting informations via XML-RPC (`distutils2.pypi.XmlRpcIndex`)
-The other method to request the Python package index, is using the XML-RPC
-methods. Distutils2 provides a simple wrapper around `xmlrpclib
-<http://docs.python.org/library/xmlrpclib.html>`_, that can return you
-`PyPIDistribution` objects.
-    >>> from distutils2.pypi import XmlRpcIndex()
-    >>> client = XmlRpcIndex()
-PyPI Distributions
-Both `SimpleIndex` and `XmlRpcIndex` classes works with the classes provided
-in the `pypi.dist` package.
-`PyPIDistribution` is a simple class that defines the following attributes:
-    The name of the package. `foobar` in our exemples here
-    The version of the package
-    If the files from the archive has been downloaded, here is the path where
-    you can find them.
-    The url of the distribution
-.. autoclass:: distutils2.pypi.dist.PyPIDistribution
-    :members:
-The `dist` module also provides another class, to work with lists of 
-`PyPIDistribution` classes. It allow to filter results and is used as a 
-container of 
-.. autoclass:: distutils2.pypi.dist.PyPIDistributions
-    :members:
-At a higher level
-XXX : A description about a wraper around PyPI simple and XmlRpc Indexes
-(PyPIIndex ?) 
diff --git a/docs/source/projects-index.dist.rst b/docs/source/projects-index.dist.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/projects-index.dist.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Representation of informations coming from indexes 
+Informations coming from indexes are represented by the classes present in the
+`dist` module.
+Keep in mind that each project (eg. FooBar) can have several releases 
+(eg. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3), and each of these releases can be provided in multiple 
+distributions (eg. a source distribution, a binary one, etc).
+Each release have a project name, a project version and contain project
+metadata. In addition, releases contain the distributions too. 
+These informations are stored in :class:`distutils2.index.dist.ReleaseInfo` 
+.. autoclass:: distutils2.index.dist.ReleaseInfo
+    :members:
+:class:`distutils2.index.dist.DistInfo` is a simple class that contains
+informations related to distributions. It's mainly about the URLs where those
+distributions can be found. 
+.. autoclass:: distutils2.index.dist.DistInfo
+    :members:
+The `dist` module also provides another class, to work with lists of 
+:class:`distutils.index.dist.ReleaseInfo` classes. It allow to filter 
+and order results.
+.. autoclass:: distutils2.index.dist.ReleasesList
+    :members:
+Exemple usages
+Build a list of releases, and order them
+Assuming we have a list of releases::
+    >>> from distutils2.index.dist import ReleaseList, ReleaseInfo
+    >>> fb10 = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.0")
+    >>> fb11 = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1")
+    >>> fb11a = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1a1")
+    >>> ReleasesList("FooBar", [fb11, fb11a, fb10])
+    >>> releases.sort_releases()
+    >>> releases.get_versions()
+    ['1.1', '1.1a1', '1.0']
+    >>> releases.add_release("1.2a1")
+    >>> releases.get_versions()
+    ['1.1', '1.1a1', '1.0', '1.2a1']
+    >>> releases.sort_releases()
+    ['1.2a1', '1.1', '1.1a1', '1.0']
+    >>> releases.sort_releases(prefer_final=True)
+    >>> releases.get_versions()
+    ['1.1', '1.0', '1.2a1', '1.1a1']
+Add distribution related informations to releases
+It's easy to add distribution informatons to releases::
+    >>> from distutils2.index.dist import ReleaseList, ReleaseInfo
+    >>> r = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.0")
+    >>> r.add_distribution("sdist", url="http://example.org/foobar-1.0.tar.gz") 
+    >>> r.dists
+    {'sdist': FooBar 1.0 sdist}
+    >>> r['sdist'].url
+    {'url': 'http://example.org/foobar-1.0.tar.gz', 'hashname': None, 'hashval':
+    None, 'is_external': True}
+Attributes Lazy loading
+To abstract a maximum the way of querying informations to the indexes,
+attributes and releases informations can be retrieved "on demand", in a "lazy"
+For instance, if you have a release instance that does not contain the metadata
+attribute, it can be build directly when accedded::
+    >>> r = Release("FooBar", "1.1")
+    >>> print r._metadata 
+    None # metadata field is actually set to "None"
+    >>> r.metadata
+    <Metadata for FooBar 1.1>
+Like this, it's possible to retrieve project's releases, releases metadata and 
+releases distributions informations. 
+Internally, this is possible because while retrieving for the first time
+informations about projects, releases or distributions, a reference to the
+client used is stored in the objects. Then, while trying to access undefined
+fields, it will be used if necessary.
diff --git a/docs/source/pypi.rst b/docs/source/projects-index.rst
copy from docs/source/pypi.rst
copy to docs/source/projects-index.rst
--- a/docs/source/pypi.rst
+++ b/docs/source/projects-index.rst
@@ -1,195 +1,28 @@
-Tools to query PyPI: the PyPI package
+Query Python Package Indexes (PyPI)
-Distutils2 comes with a module (eg. `distutils2.pypi`) which contains
-facilities to access the Python Package Index (named "pypi", and avalaible on
-the url `http://pypi.python.org`.
+Distutils2 provides facilities to access python package informations stored in
+indexes. The main Python Package Index is available at http://pypi.python.org.
-There is two ways to retrieve data from pypi: using the *simple* API, and using
-*XML-RPC*. The first one is in fact a set of HTML pages avalaible at
+.. note:: The tools provided in distutils2 are not limited to query pypi, and
+   can be used for others indexes, if they respect the same interfaces.
+There is two ways to retrieve data from these indexes: using the *simple* API,
+and using *XML-RPC*. The first one is a set of HTML pages avalaibles at
 `http://pypi.python.org/simple/`, and the second one contains a set of XML-RPC
-methods. In order to reduce the overload caused by running distant methods on 
-the pypi server (by using the XML-RPC methods), the best way to retrieve 
-informations is by using the simple API, when it contains the information you 
-Distutils2 provides two python modules to ease the work with those two APIs:
-`distutils2.pypi.simple` and `distutils2.pypi.xmlrpc`. Both of them depends on 
-another python module: `distutils2.pypi.dist`.
+If you dont care about which API to use, the best thing to do is to let
+distutils2 decide this for you, by using :class:`distutils2.index.ClientWrapper`.
+Of course, you can rely too on :class:`distutils2.index.simple.Crawler` and
+:class:`distutils.index.xmlrpc.Client` if you need to use these specific APIs.
-Requesting information via the "simple" API `distutils2.pypi.simple`
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 2
-`distutils2.pypi.simple` can process the Python Package Index and return and 
-download urls of distributions, for specific versions or latests, but it also 
-can process external html pages, with the goal to find *pypi unhosted* versions 
-of python distributions.
-You should use `distutils2.pypi.simple` for: 
-    * Search distributions by name and versions.
-    * Process pypi external pages.
-    * Download distributions by name and versions.
-And should not be used to:
-    * Things that will end up in too long index processing (like "finding all
-      distributions with a specific version, no matters the name")
-Here is a complete overview of the APIs of the SimpleIndex class.
-.. autoclass:: distutils2.pypi.simple.SimpleIndex
-    :members:
-Usage Exemples
-To help you understand how using the `SimpleIndex` class, here are some basic
-Request PyPI to get a specific distribution
-Supposing you want to scan the PyPI index to get a list of distributions for 
-the "foobar" project. You can use the "find" method for that::
-    >>> from distutils2.pypi import SimpleIndex
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex()
-    >>> client.find("foobar")
-    [<PyPIDistribution "Foobar 1.1">, <PyPIDistribution "Foobar 1.2">]
-Note that you also can request the client about specific versions, using version
-specifiers (described in `PEP 345 
-    >>> client.find("foobar < 1.2")
-    [<PyPIDistribution "foobar 1.1">, ]
-`find` returns a list of distributions, but you also can get the last
-distribution (the more up to date) that fullfil your requirements, like this::
-    >>> client.get("foobar < 1.2")
-    <PyPIDistribution "foobar 1.1">
-Download distributions
-As it can get the urls of distributions provided by PyPI, the `SimpleIndex` 
-client also can download the distributions and put it for you in a temporary
-    >>> client.download("foobar")
-    /tmp/temp_dir/foobar-1.2.tar.gz
-You also can specify the directory you want to download to::
-    >>> client.download("foobar", "/path/to/my/dir")
-    /path/to/my/dir/foobar-1.2.tar.gz
-While downloading, the md5 of the archive will be checked, if not matches, it
-will try another time, then if fails again, raise `MD5HashDoesNotMatchError`.
-Internally, that's not the SimpleIndex which download the distributions, but the
-`PyPIDistribution` class. Please refer to this documentation for more details.
-Following PyPI external links
-The default behavior for distutils2 is to *not* follow the links provided
-by HTML pages in the "simple index", to find distributions related
-It's possible to tell the PyPIClient to follow external links by setting the 
-`follow_externals` attribute, on instanciation or after::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(follow_externals=True)
-or ::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex()
-    >>> client.follow_externals = True
-Working with external indexes, and mirrors
-The default `SimpleIndex` behavior is to rely on the Python Package index stored
-on PyPI (http://pypi.python.org/simple).
-As you can need to work with a local index, or private indexes, you can specify
-it using the index_url parameter::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(index_url="file://filesystem/path/")
-or ::
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(index_url="http://some.specific.url/")
-You also can specify mirrors to fallback on in case the first index_url you
-provided doesnt respond, or not correctly. The default behavior for
-`SimpleIndex` is to use the list provided by Python.org DNS records, as
-described in the :pep:`381` about mirroring infrastructure.
-If you don't want to rely on these, you could specify the list of mirrors you
-want to try by specifying the `mirrors` attribute. It's a simple iterable::
-    >>> mirrors = ["http://first.mirror","http://second.mirror"]
-    >>> client = SimpleIndex(mirrors=mirrors)
-Requesting informations via XML-RPC (`distutils2.pypi.XmlRpcIndex`)
-The other method to request the Python package index, is using the XML-RPC
-methods. Distutils2 provides a simple wrapper around `xmlrpclib
-<http://docs.python.org/library/xmlrpclib.html>`_, that can return you
-`PyPIDistribution` objects.
-    >>> from distutils2.pypi import XmlRpcIndex()
-    >>> client = XmlRpcIndex()
-PyPI Distributions
-Both `SimpleIndex` and `XmlRpcIndex` classes works with the classes provided
-in the `pypi.dist` package.
-`PyPIDistribution` is a simple class that defines the following attributes:
-    The name of the package. `foobar` in our exemples here
-    The version of the package
-    If the files from the archive has been downloaded, here is the path where
-    you can find them.
-    The url of the distribution
-.. autoclass:: distutils2.pypi.dist.PyPIDistribution
-    :members:
-The `dist` module also provides another class, to work with lists of 
-`PyPIDistribution` classes. It allow to filter results and is used as a 
-container of 
-.. autoclass:: distutils2.pypi.dist.PyPIDistributions
-    :members:
-At a higher level
-XXX : A description about a wraper around PyPI simple and XmlRpc Indexes
-(PyPIIndex ?) 
+    projects-index.client.rst
+    projects-index.dist.rst
+    projects-index.simple.rst
+    projects-index.xmlrpc.rst
diff --git a/docs/source/projects-index.simple.rst b/docs/source/projects-index.simple.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/projects-index.simple.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Querying indexes via the simple index API
+`distutils2.index.simple` can process Python Package Indexes,  and provides
+useful informations about distributions. It also can crawl local indexes, for
+You should use `distutils2.index.simple` for: 
+    * Search distributions by name and versions.
+    * Process index external pages.
+    * Download distributions by name and versions.
+And should not be used to:
+    * Things that will end up in too long index processing (like "finding all
+      distributions with a specific version, no matters the name")
+.. autoclass:: distutils2.index.simple.Crawler
+    :members:
+Usage Exemples
+To help you understand how using the `Crawler` class, here are some basic
+Request the simple index to get a specific distribution
+Supposing you want to scan an index to get a list of distributions for 
+the "foobar" project. You can use the "get_releases" method for that.
+The get_releases method will browse the project page, and return :class:`ReleaseInfo` 
+objects for each found link that rely on downloads. ::
+    >>> from distutils2.index.simple import Crawler
+    >>> crawler = Crawler()
+    >>> crawler.get_releases("FooBar")
+    [<ReleaseInfo "Foobar 1.1">, <ReleaseInfo "Foobar 1.2">]
+Note that you also can request the client about specific versions, using version
+specifiers (described in `PEP 345 
+    >>> client.get_releases("FooBar < 1.2")
+    [<ReleaseInfo "FooBar 1.1">, ]
+`get_releases` returns a list of :class:`ReleaseInfo`, but you also can get the best
+distribution that fullfil your requirements, using "get_release"::
+    >>> client.get_release("FooBar < 1.2")
+    <ReleaseInfo "FooBar 1.1">
+Download distributions
+As it can get the urls of distributions provided by PyPI, the `Crawler` 
+client also can download the distributions and put it for you in a temporary
+    >>> client.download("foobar")
+    /tmp/temp_dir/foobar-1.2.tar.gz
+You also can specify the directory you want to download to::
+    >>> client.download("foobar", "/path/to/my/dir")
+    /path/to/my/dir/foobar-1.2.tar.gz
+While downloading, the md5 of the archive will be checked, if not matches, it
+will try another time, then if fails again, raise `MD5HashDoesNotMatchError`.
+Internally, that's not the Crawler which download the distributions, but the
+`DistributionInfo` class. Please refer to this documentation for more details.
+Following PyPI external links
+The default behavior for distutils2 is to *not* follow the links provided
+by HTML pages in the "simple index", to find distributions related
+It's possible to tell the PyPIClient to follow external links by setting the 
+`follow_externals` attribute, on instanciation or after::
+    >>> client = Crawler(follow_externals=True)
+or ::
+    >>> client = Crawler()
+    >>> client.follow_externals = True
+Working with external indexes, and mirrors
+The default `Crawler` behavior is to rely on the Python Package index stored
+on PyPI (http://pypi.python.org/simple).
+As you can need to work with a local index, or private indexes, you can specify
+it using the index_url parameter::
+    >>> client = Crawler(index_url="file://filesystem/path/")
+or ::
+    >>> client = Crawler(index_url="http://some.specific.url/")
+You also can specify mirrors to fallback on in case the first index_url you
+provided doesnt respond, or not correctly. The default behavior for
+`Crawler` is to use the list provided by Python.org DNS records, as
+described in the :pep:`381` about mirroring infrastructure.
+If you don't want to rely on these, you could specify the list of mirrors you
+want to try by specifying the `mirrors` attribute. It's a simple iterable::
+    >>> mirrors = ["http://first.mirror","http://second.mirror"]
+    >>> client = Crawler(mirrors=mirrors)
+Searching in the simple index
+It's possible to search for projects with specific names in the package index.
+Assuming you want to find all projects containing the "Grail" keyword::
+    >>> client.search(name="grail")
+    ["holy grail", "unholy grail", "grail"]
diff --git a/docs/source/projects-index.xmlrpc.rst b/docs/source/projects-index.xmlrpc.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/projects-index.xmlrpc.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+Query indexes via XML-RPC
+Indexes can be queried using XML-RPC calls, and Distutils2 provides a simple
+way to interface with XML-RPC.
+You should **use** XML-RPC when:
+    * Searching the index for projects **on other fields than project 
+      names**. For instance, you can search for projects based on the 
+      author_email field. 
+    * Searching all the versions that have existed for a project.
+    * you want to retrive METADATAs informations from releases or
+      distributions.
+You should **avoid using** XML-RPC method calls when:
+    * Retrieving the last version of a project
+    * Getting the projects with a specific name and version.
+    * The simple index can match your needs
+When dealing with indexes, keep in mind that the index queriers will always
+return you :class:`distutils2.index.ReleaseInfo` and 
+:class:`distutils2.index.ReleasesList` objects.
+Some methods here share common APIs with the one you can find on
+:class:`distutils2.index.simple`, internally, :class:`distutils2.index.client`
+is inherited by :class:`distutils2.index.xmlrpc.Client`
+.. autoclass:: distutils2.index.xmlrpc.Client
+    :members:
+Usage examples
+Use case described here are use case that are not common to the other clients.
+If you want to see all the methods, please refer to API or to usage examples
+described in :class:`distutils2.index.client.Client`
+Finding releases
+It's a common use case to search for "things" within the index.
+We can basically search for projects by their name, which is the 
+most used way for users (eg. "give me the last version of the FooBar project").
+This can be accomplished using the following syntax::
+    >>> client = xmlrpc.Client()
+    >>> client.get_release("Foobar (<= 1.3))
+    <FooBar 1.2.1>
+    >>> client.get_releases("FooBar (<= 1.3)")
+    [FooBar 1.1, FooBar 1.1.1, FooBar 1.2, FooBar 1.2.1]
+And we also can find for specific fields::
+    >>> client.search_projects(field=value)
+You could specify the operator to use, default is "or"::
+    >>> client.search_projects(field=value, operator="and")
+The specific fields you can search are:
+    * name
+    * version
+    * author
+    * author_email
+    * maintainer
+    * maintainer_email
+    * home_page
+    * license
+    * summary
+    * description
+    * keywords
+    * platform
+    * download_url 
+Getting metadata informations
+XML-RPC is a prefered way to retrieve metadata informations from indexes.
+It's really simple to do so::
+    >>> client = xmlrpc.Client()
+    >>> client.get_metadata("FooBar", "1.1")
+    <ReleaseInfo FooBar 1.1>
+Assuming we already have a :class:`distutils2.index.ReleaseInfo` object defined,
+it's possible to pass it ot the xmlrpc client to retrieve and complete it's
+    >>> foobar11 = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1")
+    >>> client = xmlrpc.Client()
+    >>> returned_release = client.get_metadata(release=foobar11)
+    >>> returned_release
+    <ReleaseInfo FooBar 1.1>
+Get all the releases of a project
+To retrieve all the releases for a project, you can build them using
+    >>> client = xmlrpc.Client()
+    >>> client.get_releases("FooBar")
+    [<ReleaseInfo FooBar 0.9>, <ReleaseInfo FooBar 1.0>, <ReleaseInfo 1.1>]
+Get informations about distributions
+Indexes have informations about projects, releases **and** distributions.
+If you're not familiar with those, please refer to the documentation of
+It's possible to retrive informations about distributions, e.g "what are the
+existing distributions for this release ? How to retrieve them ?"::
+    >>> client = xmlrpc.Client()
+    >>> release = client.get_distributions("FooBar", "1.1")
+    >>> release.dists
+    {'sdist': <FooBar 1.1 sdist>, 'bdist': <FooBar 1.1 bdist>}
+As you see, this does not return a list of distributions, but a release, 
+because a release can be used like a list of distributions. 
+Lazy load information from project, releases and distributions.
+.. note:: The lazy loading feature is not currently available !
+As :mod:`distutils2.index.dist` classes support "lazy" loading of 
+informations, you can use it while retrieving informations from XML-RPC.
+For instance, it's possible to get all the releases for a project, and to access
+directly the metadata of each release, without making
+:class:`distutils2.index.xmlrpc.Client` directly (they will be made, but they're
+invisible to the you)::
+    >>> client = xmlrpc.Client()
+    >>> releases = client.get_releases("FooBar")
+    >>> releases.get_release("1.1").metadata
+    <Metadata for FooBar 1.1>
+Refer to the :mod:`distutils2.index.dist` documentation for more information
+about attributes lazy loading.
diff --git a/src/distutils2/pypi/__init__.py b/src/distutils2/index/__init__.py
rename from src/distutils2/pypi/__init__.py
rename to src/distutils2/index/__init__.py
--- a/src/distutils2/pypi/__init__.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+"""Package containing ways to interact with Index APIs.
-Package containing ways to interact with the PyPI APIs.
 __all__ = ['simple',
+           'xmlrpc',
+           'errors',
+           'mirrors',]
+from dist import ReleaseInfo, ReleasesList, DistInfo
diff --git a/src/distutils2/index/base.py b/src/distutils2/index/base.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+from distutils2.version import VersionPredicate
+from distutils2.index.dist import ReleasesList
+class BaseClient(object):
+    """Base class containing common methods for the index crawlers/clients"""
+    def __init__(self, prefer_final, prefer_source):
+        self._prefer_final = prefer_final
+        self._prefer_source = prefer_source
+        self._index = self
+    def _get_version_predicate(self, requirements):
+        """Return a VersionPredicate object, from a string or an already
+        existing object.
+        """
+        if isinstance(requirements, str):
+            requirements = VersionPredicate(requirements)
+        return requirements
+    def _get_prefer_final(self, prefer_final=None):
+        """Return the prefer_final internal parameter or the specified one if
+        provided"""
+        if prefer_final:
+            return prefer_final
+        else:
+            return self._prefer_final
+    def _get_prefer_source(self, prefer_source=None):
+        """Return the prefer_source internal parameter or the specified one if
+        provided"""
+        if prefer_source:
+            return prefer_source
+        else:
+            return self._prefer_source
+    def _get_project(self, project_name):
+        """Return an project instance, create it if necessary"""
+        return self._projects.setdefault(project_name.lower(),
+                    ReleasesList(project_name, index=self._index))
+    def download_distribution(self, requirements, temp_path=None,
+                              prefer_source=None, prefer_final=None):
+        """Download a distribution from the last release according to the
+        requirements.
+        If temp_path is provided, download to this path, otherwise, create a
+        temporary location for the download and return it.
+        """
+        prefer_final = self._get_prefer_final(prefer_final)
+        prefer_source = self._get_prefer_source(prefer_source)
+        release = self.get_release(requirements, prefer_final)
+        if release:
+            dist = release.get_distribution(prefer_source=prefer_source)
+            return dist.download(temp_path)
diff --git a/src/distutils2/pypi/dist.py b/src/distutils2/index/dist.py
rename from src/distutils2/pypi/dist.py
rename to src/distutils2/index/dist.py
--- a/src/distutils2/pypi/dist.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/dist.py
@@ -1,186 +1,187 @@
-Provides the PyPIDistribution class thats represents a distribution retrieved
-on PyPI.
+Provides useful classes to represent the release and distributions retrieved
+from indexes.
+A project can have several releases (=versions) and each release can have
+several distributions (sdist, bdist).
+The release contains the metadata related informations (see PEP 384), and the
+distributions contains download related informations.
+import mimetypes
 import re
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import urllib
 import urlparse
-import urllib
-import tempfile
-from operator import attrgetter
+import zipfile
     import hashlib
 except ImportError:
     from distutils2._backport import hashlib
+from distutils2.errors import IrrationalVersionError
+from distutils2.index.errors import (HashDoesNotMatch, UnsupportedHashName,
+                                     CantParseArchiveName)
 from distutils2.version import suggest_normalized_version, NormalizedVersion
-from distutils2.pypi.errors import HashDoesNotMatch, UnsupportedHashName
+from distutils2.metadata import DistributionMetadata
+from distutils2.util import untar_file, unzip_file, splitext
+__all__ = ['ReleaseInfo', 'DistInfo', 'ReleasesList', 'get_infos_from_url']
 EXTENSIONS = ".tar.gz .tar.bz2 .tar .zip .tgz .egg".split()
 MD5_HASH = re.compile(r'^.*#md5=([a-f0-9]+)$')
+DIST_TYPES = ['bdist', 'sdist']
-class PyPIDistribution(object):
-    """Represents a distribution retrieved from PyPI.
+class IndexReference(object):
+    def set_index(self, index=None):
+        self._index = index
-    This is a simple container for various attributes as name, version,
-    downloaded_location, url etc.
-    The PyPIDistribution class is used by the pypi.*Index class to return
-    information about distributions.
+class ReleaseInfo(IndexReference):
+    """Represent a release of a project (a project with a specific version).
+    The release contain the _metadata informations related to this specific
+    version, and is also a container for distribution related informations.
+    See the DistInfo class for more information about distributions.
-    @classmethod
-    def from_url(cls, url, probable_dist_name=None, is_external=True):
-        """Build a Distribution from a url archive (egg or zip or tgz).
-        :param url: complete url of the distribution
-        :param probable_dist_name: A probable name of the distribution.
-        :param is_external: Tell if the url commes from an index or from
-                            an external URL.
+    def __init__(self, name, version, metadata=None, hidden=False,
+                 index=None, **kwargs):
-        # if the url contains a md5 hash, get it.
-        md5_hash = None
-        match = MD5_HASH.match(url)
-        if match is not None:
-            md5_hash = match.group(1)
-            # remove the hash
-            url = url.replace("#md5=%s" % md5_hash, "")
-        # parse the archive name to find dist name and version
-        archive_name = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1]
-        extension_matched = False
-        # remove the extension from the name
-        for ext in EXTENSIONS:
-            if archive_name.endswith(ext):
-                archive_name = archive_name[:-len(ext)]
-                extension_matched = True
-        name, version = split_archive_name(archive_name)
-        if extension_matched is True:
-            return PyPIDistribution(name, version, url=url, url_hashname="md5",
-                                    url_hashval=md5_hash,
-                                    url_is_external=is_external)
-    def __init__(self, name, version, type=None, url=None, url_hashname=None,
-                 url_hashval=None, url_is_external=True):
-        """Create a new instance of PyPIDistribution.
         :param name: the name of the distribution
         :param version: the version of the distribution
-        :param type: the type of the dist (eg. source, bin-*, etc.)
-        :param url: URL where we found this distribution
-        :param url_hashname: the name of the hash we want to use. Refer to the
-                         hashlib.new documentation for more information.
-        :param url_hashval: the hash value.
-        :param url_is_external: we need to know if the provided url comes from an
-                            index browsing, or from an external resource.
+        :param metadata: the metadata fields of the release.
+        :type metadata: dict
+        :param kwargs: optional arguments for a new distribution.
+        """
+        self.set_index(index)
+        self.name = name
+        self._version = None
+        self.version = version
+        if metadata:
+            self._metadata = DistributionMetadata(mapping=metadata)
+        else:
+            self._metadata = None
+        self._dists = {}
+        self.hidden = hidden
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.version = NormalizedVersion(version)
-        self.type = type
-        # set the downloaded path to None by default. The goal here
-        # is to not download distributions multiple times
-        self.downloaded_location = None
-        # We store urls in dict, because we need to have a bit more informations
-        # than the simple URL. It will be used later to find the good url to
-        # use.
-        # We have two _url* attributes: _url and _urls. _urls contains a list of
-        # dict for the different urls, and _url contains the choosen url, in
-        # order to dont make the selection process multiple times.
-        self._urls = []
-        self._url = None
-        self.add_url(url, url_hashname, url_hashval, url_is_external)
+        if 'dist_type' in kwargs:
+            dist_type = kwargs.pop('dist_type')
+            self.add_distribution(dist_type, **kwargs)
-    def add_url(self, url, hashname=None, hashval=None, is_external=True):
-        """Add a new url to the list of urls"""
-        if hashname is not None:
-            try:
-                hashlib.new(hashname)
-            except ValueError:
-                raise UnsupportedHashName(hashname)
+    def set_version(self, version):
+        try:
+            self._version = NormalizedVersion(version)
+        except IrrationalVersionError:
+            suggestion = suggest_normalized_version(version)
+            if suggestion:
+                self.version = suggestion
+            else:
+                raise IrrationalVersionError(version)
-        self._urls.append({
-            'url': url,
-            'hashname': hashname,
-            'hashval': hashval,
-            'is_external': is_external,
-        })
-        # reset the url selection process
-        self._url = None
+    def get_version(self):
+        return self._version
+    version = property(get_version, set_version)
-    def url(self):
-        """Pick up the right url for the list of urls in self.urls"""
-        # We return internal urls over externals.
-        # If there is more than one internal or external, return the first
-        # one.
-        if self._url is None:
-            if len(self._urls) > 1:
-                internals_urls = [u for u in self._urls \
-                                  if u['is_external'] == False]
-                if len(internals_urls) >= 1:
-                    self._url = internals_urls[0]
-            if self._url is None:
-                self._url = self._urls[0]
-        return self._url
-    @property
-    def is_source(self):
-        """return if the distribution is a source one or not"""
-        return self.type == 'source'
+    def metadata(self):
+        """If the metadata is not set, use the indexes to get it"""
+        if not self._metadata:
+            self._index.get_metadata(self.name, '%s' % self.version)
+        return self._metadata
     def is_final(self):
         """proxy to version.is_final"""
         return self.version.is_final
+    @property
+    def dists(self):
+        if self._dists is None:
+            self._index.get_distributions(self.name, '%s' % self.version)
+            if self._dists is None:
+                self._dists = {}
+        return self._dists
-    def download(self, path=None):
-        """Download the distribution to a path, and return it.
+    def add_distribution(self, dist_type='sdist', python_version=None, **params):
+        """Add distribution informations to this release.
+        If distribution information is already set for this distribution type,
+        add the given url paths to the distribution. This can be useful while
+        some of them fails to download.
-        If the path is given in path, use this, otherwise, generates a new one
+        :param dist_type: the distribution type (eg. "sdist", "bdist", etc.)
+        :param params: the fields to be passed to the distribution object
+                       (see the :class:DistInfo constructor).
-        if path is None:
-            path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        if dist_type not in DIST_TYPES:
+            raise ValueError(dist_type)
+        if dist_type in self.dists:
+            self._dists[dist_type].add_url(**params)
+        else:
+            self._dists[dist_type] = DistInfo(self, dist_type,
+                                             index=self._index, **params)
+        if python_version:
+            self._dists[dist_type].python_version = python_version
-        # if we do not have downloaded it yet, do it.
-        if self.downloaded_location is None:
-            url = self.url['url']
-            archive_name = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1]
-            filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(url,
-                                                   path + "/" + archive_name)
-            self.downloaded_location = filename
-            self._check_md5(filename)
-        return self.downloaded_location
+    def get_distribution(self, dist_type=None, prefer_source=True):
+        """Return a distribution.
-    def _check_md5(self, filename):
-        """Check that the md5 checksum of the given file matches the one in
-        url param"""
-        hashname = self.url['hashname']
-        expected_hashval = self.url['hashval']
-        if not None in (expected_hashval, hashname):
-            f = open(filename)
-            hashval = hashlib.new(hashname)
-            hashval.update(f.read())
-            if hashval.hexdigest() != expected_hashval:
-                raise HashDoesNotMatch("got %s instead of %s"
-                    % (hashval.hexdigest(), expected_hashval))
+        If dist_type is set, find first for this distribution type, and just
+        act as an alias of __get_item__.
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "%s %s %s %s" \
-            % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.version,
-               self.type or "")
+        If prefer_source is True, search first for source distribution, and if
+        not return one existing distribution.
+        """
+        if len(self.dists) == 0:
+            raise LookupError()
+        if dist_type:
+            return self[dist_type]
+        if prefer_source:
+            if "sdist" in self.dists:
+                dist = self["sdist"]
+            else:
+                dist = self.dists.values()[0]
+            return dist
+    def download(self, temp_path=None, prefer_source=True):
+        """Download the distribution, using the requirements.
+        If more than one distribution match the requirements, use the last
+        version.
+        Download the distribution, and put it in the temp_path. If no temp_path
+        is given, creates and return one.
+        Returns the complete absolute path to the downloaded archive.
+        """
+        return self.get_distribution(prefer_source=prefer_source)\
+                   .download(path=temp_path)
+    def set_metadata(self, metadata):
+        if not self._metadata:
+            self._metadata = DistributionMetadata()
+        self._metadata.update(metadata)
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        """distributions are available using release["sdist"]"""
+        return self.dists[item]
     def _check_is_comparable(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, PyPIDistribution):
+        if not isinstance(other, ReleaseInfo):
             raise TypeError("cannot compare %s and %s"
                 % (type(self).__name__, type(other).__name__))
         elif self.name != other.name:
             raise TypeError("cannot compare %s and %s"
                 % (self.name, other.name))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s %s>" % (self.name, self.version)
     def __eq__(self, other):
         return self.version == other.version
@@ -205,78 +206,311 @@
     __hash__ = object.__hash__
-class PyPIDistributions(list):
-    """A container of PyPIDistribution objects.
+class DistInfo(IndexReference):
+    """Represents a distribution retrieved from an index (sdist, bdist, ...)
+    """
-    Contains methods and facilities to sort and filter distributions.
+    def __init__(self, release, dist_type=None, url=None, hashname=None,
+                 hashval=None, is_external=True, python_version=None,
+                 index=None):
+        """Create a new instance of DistInfo.
+        :param release: a DistInfo class is relative to a release.
+        :param dist_type: the type of the dist (eg. source, bin-*, etc.)
+        :param url: URL where we found this distribution
+        :param hashname: the name of the hash we want to use. Refer to the
+                         hashlib.new documentation for more information.
+        :param hashval: the hash value.
+        :param is_external: we need to know if the provided url comes from
+                            an index browsing, or from an external resource.
+        """
+        self.set_index(index)
+        self.release = release
+        self.dist_type = dist_type
+        self.python_version = python_version
+        self._unpacked_dir = None
+        # set the downloaded path to None by default. The goal here
+        # is to not download distributions multiple times
+        self.downloaded_location = None
+        # We store urls in dict, because we need to have a bit more infos
+        # than the simple URL. It will be used later to find the good url to
+        # use.
+        # We have two _url* attributes: _url and urls. urls contains a list
+        # of dict for the different urls, and _url contains the choosen url, in
+        # order to dont make the selection process multiple times.
+        self.urls = []
+        self._url = None
+        self.add_url(url, hashname, hashval, is_external)
+    def add_url(self, url, hashname=None, hashval=None, is_external=True):
+        """Add a new url to the list of urls"""
+        if hashname is not None:
+            try:
+                hashlib.new(hashname)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise UnsupportedHashName(hashname)
+        if not url in [u['url'] for u in self.urls]:
+            self.urls.append({
+                'url': url,
+                'hashname': hashname,
+                'hashval': hashval,
+                'is_external': is_external,
+            })
+            # reset the url selection process
+            self._url = None
+    @property
+    def url(self):
+        """Pick up the right url for the list of urls in self.urls"""
+        # We return internal urls over externals.
+        # If there is more than one internal or external, return the first
+        # one.
+        if self._url is None:
+            if len(self.urls) > 1:
+                internals_urls = [u for u in self.urls \
+                                  if u['is_external'] == False]
+                if len(internals_urls) >= 1:
+                    self._url = internals_urls[0]
+            if self._url is None:
+                self._url = self.urls[0]
+        return self._url
+    @property
+    def is_source(self):
+        """return if the distribution is a source one or not"""
+        return self.dist_type == 'sdist'
+    def download(self, path=None):
+        """Download the distribution to a path, and return it.
+        If the path is given in path, use this, otherwise, generates a new one
+        Return the download location.
+        """
+        if path is None:
+            path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        # if we do not have downloaded it yet, do it.
+        if self.downloaded_location is None:
+            url = self.url['url']
+            archive_name = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1]
+            filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(url,
+                                                   path + "/" + archive_name)
+            self.downloaded_location = filename
+            self._check_md5(filename)
+        return self.downloaded_location
+    def unpack(self, path=None):
+        """Unpack the distribution to the given path.
+        If not destination is given, creates a temporary location.
+        Returns the location of the extracted files (root).
+        """
+        if not self._unpacked_dir:
+            if path is None:
+                path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+            filename = self.download()
+            content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
+            if (content_type == 'application/zip'
+                or filename.endswith('.zip')
+                or filename.endswith('.pybundle')
+                or zipfile.is_zipfile(filename)):
+                unzip_file(filename, path, flatten=not filename.endswith('.pybundle'))
+            elif (content_type == 'application/x-gzip'
+                  or tarfile.is_tarfile(filename)
+                  or splitext(filename)[1].lower() in ('.tar', '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tgz', '.tbz')):
+                untar_file(filename, path)
+            self._unpacked_dir = path
+        return self._unpacked_dir
+    def _check_md5(self, filename):
+        """Check that the md5 checksum of the given file matches the one in
+        url param"""
+        hashname = self.url['hashname']
+        expected_hashval = self.url['hashval']
+        if not None in (expected_hashval, hashname):
+            f = open(filename)
+            hashval = hashlib.new(hashname)
+            hashval.update(f.read())
+            if hashval.hexdigest() != expected_hashval:
+                raise HashDoesNotMatch("got %s instead of %s"
+                    % (hashval.hexdigest(), expected_hashval))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s %s %s>" % (
+            self.release.name, self.release.version, self.dist_type or "")
+class ReleasesList(IndexReference):
+    """A container of Release.
+    Provides useful methods and facilities to sort and filter releases.
-    def __init__(self, list=[]):
-        # To disable the ability to pass lists on instanciation
-        super(PyPIDistributions, self).__init__()
-        for item in list:
-            self.append(item)
+    def __init__(self, name, releases=None, contains_hidden=False, index=None):
+        self.set_index(index)
+        self._releases = []
+        self.name = name
+        self.contains_hidden = contains_hidden
+        if releases:
+            self.add_releases(releases)
+    @property
+    def releases(self):
+        if not self._releases:
+            self.fetch_releases()
+        return self._releases
+    def fetch_releases(self):
+        self._index.get_releases(self.name)
+        return self.releases
     def filter(self, predicate):
-        """Filter the distributions and return a subset of distributions that
-        match the given predicate
+        """Filter and return a subset of releases matching the given predicate.
-        return PyPIDistributions(
-            [dist for dist in self if dist.name == predicate.name and
-            predicate.match(dist.version)])
+        return ReleasesList(self.name, [release for release in self.releases
+                                        if predicate.match(release.version)],
+                                        index=self._index)
-    def get_last(self, predicate, prefer_source=None, prefer_final=None):
-        """Return the most up to date version, that satisfy the given
-        predicate
+    def get_last(self, predicate, prefer_final=None):
+        """Return the "last" release, that satisfy the given predicates.
+        "last" is defined by the version number of the releases, you also could
+        set prefer_final parameter to True or False to change the order results
-        distributions = self.filter(predicate)
-        distributions.sort_distributions(prefer_source, prefer_final, reverse=True)
-        return distributions[0]
+        releases = self.filter(predicate)
+        releases.sort_releases(prefer_final, reverse=True)
+        return releases[0]
-    def get_same_name_and_version(self):
-        """Return lists of PyPIDistribution objects that refer to the same
-        name and version number. This do not consider the type (source, binary,
-        etc.)"""
-        processed = []
-        duplicates = []
-        for dist in self:
-            if (dist.name, dist.version) not in processed:
-                processed.append((dist.name, dist.version))
-                found_duplicates = [d for d in self if d.name == dist.name and
-                                    d.version == dist.version]
-                if len(found_duplicates) > 1:
-                    duplicates.append(found_duplicates)
-        return duplicates
+    def add_releases(self, releases):
+        """Add releases in the release list.
-    def append(self, o):
-        """Append a new distribution to the list.
+        :param: releases is a list of ReleaseInfo objects.
+        """
+        for r in releases:
+            self.add_release(release=r)
-        If a distribution with the same name and version exists, just grab the
-        URL informations and add a new new url for the existing one.
+    def add_release(self, version=None, dist_type='sdist', release=None,
+                    **dist_args):
+        """Add a release to the list.
+        The release can be passed in the `release` parameter, and in this case,
+        it will be crawled to extract the useful informations if necessary, or
+        the release informations can be directly passed in the `version` and
+        `dist_type` arguments.
+        Other keywords arguments can be provided, and will be forwarded to the
+        distribution creation (eg. the arguments of the DistInfo constructor).
-        similar_dists = [d for d in self if d.name == o.name and
-                         d.version == o.version and d.type == o.type]
-        if len(similar_dists) > 0:
-            dist = similar_dists[0]
-            dist.add_url(**o.url)
+        if release:
+            if release.name.lower() != self.name.lower():
+                raise ValueError("%s is not the same project than %s" %
+                                 (release.name, self.name))
+            version = '%s' % release.version
+            if not version in self.get_versions():
+                # append only if not already exists
+                self._releases.append(release)
+            for dist in release.dists.values():
+                for url in dist.urls:
+                    self.add_release(version, dist.dist_type, **url)
-            super(PyPIDistributions, self).append(o)
+            matches = [r for r in self._releases if '%s' % r.version == version
+                                                 and r.name == self.name]
+            if not matches:
+                release = ReleaseInfo(self.name, version, index=self._index)
+                self._releases.append(release)
+            else:
+                release = matches[0]
-    def sort_distributions(self, prefer_source=True, prefer_final=False,
-                           reverse=True, *args, **kwargs):
-        """order the results with the given properties"""
+            release.add_distribution(dist_type=dist_type, **dist_args)
+    def sort_releases(self, prefer_final=False, reverse=True, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Sort the results with the given properties.
+        The `prefer_final` argument can be used to specify if final
+        distributions (eg. not dev, bet or alpha) would be prefered or not.
+        Results can be inverted by using `reverse`.
+        Any other parameter provided will be forwarded to the sorted call. You
+        cannot redefine the key argument of "sorted" here, as it is used
+        internally to sort the releases.
+        """
         sort_by = []
         if prefer_final:
-        if prefer_source:
-            sort_by.append("is_source")
-        super(PyPIDistributions, self).sort(
+        self.releases.sort(
             key=lambda i: [getattr(i, arg) for arg in sort_by],
             reverse=reverse, *args, **kwargs)
+    def get_release(self, version):
+        """Return a release from it's version.
+        """
+        matches = [r for r in self.releases if "%s" % r.version == version]
+        if len(matches) != 1:
+            raise KeyError(version)
+        return matches[0]
+    def get_versions(self):
+        """Return a list of releases versions contained"""
+        return ["%s" % r.version for r in self._releases]
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.releases[key]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.releases)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        string = 'Project "%s"' % self.name
+        if self.get_versions():
+            string += ' versions: %s' % ', '.join(self.get_versions())
+        return '<%s>' % string
+def get_infos_from_url(url, probable_dist_name=None, is_external=True):
+    """Get useful informations from an URL.
+    Return a dict of (name, version, url, hashtype, hash, is_external)
+    :param url: complete url of the distribution
+    :param probable_dist_name: A probable name of the project.
+    :param is_external: Tell if the url commes from an index or from
+                        an external URL.
+    """
+    # if the url contains a md5 hash, get it.
+    md5_hash = None
+    match = MD5_HASH.match(url)
+    if match is not None:
+        md5_hash = match.group(1)
+        # remove the hash
+        url = url.replace("#md5=%s" % md5_hash, "")
+    # parse the archive name to find dist name and version
+    archive_name = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1]
+    extension_matched = False
+    # remove the extension from the name
+    for ext in EXTENSIONS:
+        if archive_name.endswith(ext):
+            archive_name = archive_name[:-len(ext)]
+            extension_matched = True
+    name, version = split_archive_name(archive_name)
+    if extension_matched is True:
+        return {'name': name,
+                'version': version,
+                'url': url,
+                'hashname': "md5",
+                'hashval': md5_hash,
+                'is_external': is_external,
+                'dist_type': 'sdist'}
 def split_archive_name(archive_name, probable_name=None):
     """Split an archive name into two parts: name and version.
@@ -309,7 +543,7 @@
         name, version = eager_split(archive_name)
     version = suggest_normalized_version(version)
-    if version != "" and name != "":
+    if version is not None and name != "":
         return (name.lower(), version)
         raise CantParseArchiveName(archive_name)
diff --git a/src/distutils2/pypi/errors.py b/src/distutils2/index/errors.py
rename from src/distutils2/pypi/errors.py
rename to src/distutils2/index/errors.py
--- a/src/distutils2/pypi/errors.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/errors.py
@@ -5,19 +5,27 @@
 from distutils2.errors import DistutilsError
-class PyPIError(DistutilsError):
-    """The base class for errors of the pypi python package."""
+class IndexesError(DistutilsError):
+    """The base class for errors of the index python package."""
-class DistributionNotFound(PyPIError):
-    """No distribution match the given requirements."""
+class ProjectNotFound(IndexesError):
+    """Project has not been found"""
-class CantParseArchiveName(PyPIError):
+class DistributionNotFound(IndexesError):
+    """The release has not been found"""
+class ReleaseNotFound(IndexesError):
+    """The release has not been found"""
+class CantParseArchiveName(IndexesError):
     """An archive name can't be parsed to find distribution name and version"""
-class DownloadError(PyPIError):
+class DownloadError(IndexesError):
     """An error has occurs while downloading"""
@@ -25,9 +33,13 @@
     """Compared hashes does not match"""
-class UnsupportedHashName(PyPIError):
+class UnsupportedHashName(IndexesError):
     """A unsupported hashname has been used"""
-class UnableToDownload(PyPIError):
+class UnableToDownload(IndexesError):
     """All mirrors have been tried, without success"""
+class InvalidSearchField(IndexesError):
+    """An invalid search field has been used"""
diff --git a/src/distutils2/index/mirrors.py b/src/distutils2/index/mirrors.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/mirrors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+"""Utilities related to the mirror infrastructure defined in PEP 381. 
+See http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0381/
+from string import ascii_lowercase
+import socket
+DEFAULT_MIRROR_URL = "last.pypi.python.org"
+def get_mirrors(hostname=None):
+    """Return the list of mirrors from the last record found on the DNS
+    entry::
+    >>> from distutils2.index.mirrors import get_mirrors
+    >>> get_mirrors()
+    ['a.pypi.python.org', 'b.pypi.python.org', 'c.pypi.python.org',
+    'd.pypi.python.org']
+    """
+    if hostname is None:
+        hostname = DEFAULT_MIRROR_URL
+    # return the last mirror registered on PyPI.
+    try:
+        hostname = socket.gethostbyname_ex(hostname)[0]
+    except socket.gaierror:
+        return []
+    end_letter = hostname.split(".", 1)
+    # determine the list from the last one.
+    return ["%s.%s" % (s, end_letter[1]) for s in string_range(end_letter[0])]
+def string_range(last):
+    """Compute the range of string between "a" and last.
+    This works for simple "a to z" lists, but also for "a to zz" lists.
+    """
+    for k in range(len(last)):
+        for x in product(ascii_lowercase, repeat=k+1):
+            result = ''.join(x)
+            yield result
+            if result == last:
+                return
+def product(*args, **kwds):
+    pools = map(tuple, args) * kwds.get('repeat', 1)
+    result = [[]]
+    for pool in pools:
+        result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool]
+    for prod in result:
+        yield tuple(prod)
diff --git a/src/distutils2/pypi/simple.py b/src/distutils2/index/simple.py
rename from src/distutils2/pypi/simple.py
rename to src/distutils2/index/simple.py
--- a/src/distutils2/pypi/simple.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/simple.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Contains the class "SimpleIndex", a simple spider to find and retrieve
+Contains the class "SimpleIndexCrawler", a simple spider to find and retrieve
 distributions on the Python Package Index, using it's "simple" API,
 avalaible at http://pypi.python.org/simple/
@@ -11,17 +11,23 @@
 import sys
 import urllib2
 import urlparse
+import logging
+import os
-from distutils2.version import VersionPredicate
-from distutils2.pypi.dist import (PyPIDistribution, PyPIDistributions,
-                                  EXTENSIONS)
-from distutils2.pypi.errors import (PyPIError, DistributionNotFound,
-                                    DownloadError, UnableToDownload)
+from distutils2.index.base import BaseClient
+from distutils2.index.dist import (ReleasesList, EXTENSIONS,
+                                   get_infos_from_url, MD5_HASH)
+from distutils2.index.errors import (IndexesError, DownloadError,
+                                     UnableToDownload, CantParseArchiveName,
+                                     ReleaseNotFound, ProjectNotFound)
+from distutils2.index.mirrors import get_mirrors
+from distutils2.metadata import DistributionMetadata
 from distutils2 import __version__ as __distutils2_version__
+__all__ = ['Crawler', 'DEFAULT_SIMPLE_INDEX_URL']
 # -- Constants -----------------------------------------------
-PYPI_DEFAULT_INDEX_URL = "http://pypi.python.org/simple/"
-PYPI_DEFAULT_MIRROR_URL = "mirrors.pypi.python.org"
+DEFAULT_SIMPLE_INDEX_URL = "http://a.pypi.python.org/simple/"
 USER_AGENT = "Python-urllib/%s distutils2/%s" % (
@@ -30,9 +36,6 @@
 # -- Regexps -------------------------------------------------
 EGG_FRAGMENT = re.compile(r'^egg=([-A-Za-z0-9_.]+)$')
 HREF = re.compile("""href\\s*=\\s*['"]?([^'"> ]+)""", re.I)
-PYPI_MD5 = re.compile(
-    '<a href="([^"#]+)">([^<]+)</a>\n\s+\\(<a (?:title="MD5 hash"\n\s+)'
-    'href="[^?]+\?:action=show_md5&amp;digest=([0-9a-f]{32})">md5</a>\\)')
 URL_SCHEME = re.compile('([-+.a-z0-9]{2,}):', re.I).match
 # This pattern matches a character entity reference (a decimal numeric
@@ -58,10 +61,39 @@
     return _socket_timeout
-class SimpleIndex(object):
-    """Provides useful tools to request the Python Package Index simple API
+def with_mirror_support():
+    """Decorator that makes the mirroring support easier"""
+    def wrapper(func):
+        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            try:
+                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+            except DownloadError:
+                # if an error occurs, try with the next index_url
+                if self._mirrors_tries >= self._mirrors_max_tries:
+                    try:
+                        self._switch_to_next_mirror()
+                    except KeyError:
+                        raise UnableToDownload("Tried all mirrors")
+                else:
+                    self._mirrors_tries += 1
+                self._projects.clear()
+                return wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        return wrapped
+    return wrapper
+class Crawler(BaseClient):
+    """Provides useful tools to request the Python Package Index simple API.
+    You can specify both mirrors and mirrors_url, but mirrors_url will only be
+    used if mirrors is set to None.
     :param index_url: the url of the simple index to search on.
+    :param prefer_final: if the version is not mentioned, and the last
+                         version is not a "final" one (alpha, beta, etc.),
+                         pick up the last final version.
+    :param prefer_source: if the distribution type is not mentioned, pick up
+                          the source one if available.
     :param follow_externals: tell if following external links is needed or
                              not. Default is False.
     :param hosts: a list of hosts allowed to be processed while using
@@ -69,38 +101,33 @@
     :param follow_externals: tell if following external links is needed or
                              not. Default is False.
-    :param prefer_source: if there is binary and source distributions, the
-                          source prevails.
-    :param prefer_final: if the version is not mentioned, and the last
-                         version is not a "final" one (alpha, beta, etc.),
-                         pick up the last final version.
     :param mirrors_url: the url to look on for DNS records giving mirror
-    :param mirrors: a list of mirrors to check out if problems
-                         occurs while working with the one given in "url"
+    :param mirrors: a list of mirrors (see PEP 381).
     :param timeout: time in seconds to consider a url has timeouted.
+    :param mirrors_max_tries": number of times to try requesting informations
+                               on mirrors before switching.
-    def __init__(self, index_url=PYPI_DEFAULT_INDEX_URL, hosts=DEFAULT_HOSTS,
-                 follow_externals=False, prefer_source=True,
-                 prefer_final=False, mirrors_url=PYPI_DEFAULT_MIRROR_URL,
-                 mirrors=None, timeout=SOCKET_TIMEOUT):
+    def __init__(self, index_url=DEFAULT_SIMPLE_INDEX_URL, prefer_final=False,
+                 prefer_source=True, hosts=DEFAULT_HOSTS,
+                 follow_externals=False, mirrors_url=None, mirrors=None,
+                 timeout=SOCKET_TIMEOUT, mirrors_max_tries=0):
+        super(Crawler, self).__init__(prefer_final, prefer_source)
         self.follow_externals = follow_externals
+        # mirroring attributes.
         if not index_url.endswith("/"):
             index_url += "/"
-        self._index_urls = [index_url]
         # if no mirrors are defined, use the method described in PEP 381.
         if mirrors is None:
-            try:
-                mirrors = socket.gethostbyname_ex(mirrors_url)[-1]
-            except socket.gaierror:
-                mirrors = []
-        self._index_urls.extend(mirrors)
-        self._current_index_url = 0
+            mirrors = get_mirrors(mirrors_url)
+        self._mirrors = set(mirrors)
+        self._mirrors_used = set()
+        self.index_url = index_url
+        self._mirrors_max_tries = mirrors_max_tries
+        self._mirrors_tries = 0
         self._timeout = timeout
-        self._prefer_source = prefer_source
-        self._prefer_final = prefer_final
         # create a regexp to match all given hosts
         self._allowed_hosts = re.compile('|'.join(map(translate, hosts))).match
@@ -109,96 +136,84 @@
         # scanning them multple time (eg. if there is multiple pages pointing
         # on one)
         self._processed_urls = []
-        self._distributions = {}
+        self._projects = {}
-    def find(self, requirements, prefer_source=None, prefer_final=None):
-        """Browse the PyPI to find distributions that fullfil the given
-        requirements.
+    @with_mirror_support()
+    def search_projects(self, name=None, **kwargs):
+        """Search the index for projects containing the given name.
-        :param requirements: A project name and it's distribution, using
-                             version specifiers, as described in PEP345.
-        :type requirements:  You can pass either a version.VersionPredicate
-                             or a string.
-        :param prefer_source: if there is binary and source distributions, the
-                              source prevails.
-        :param prefer_final: if the version is not mentioned, and the last
-                             version is not a "final" one (alpha, beta, etc.),
-                             pick up the last final version.
+        Return a list of names.
-        requirements = self._get_version_predicate(requirements)
-        if prefer_source is None:
-            prefer_source = self._prefer_source
-        if prefer_final is None:
-            prefer_final = self._prefer_final
+        index = self._open_url(self.index_url)
+        projectname = re.compile("""<a[^>]*>(.?[^<]*%s.?[^<]*)</a>""" % name,
+                                 flags=re.I)
+        matching_projects = []
+        for match in projectname.finditer(index.read()):
+            project_name = match.group(1)
+            matching_projects.append(self._get_project(project_name))
+        return matching_projects
-        # process the index for this project
-        self._process_pypi_page(requirements.name)
-        # filter with requirements and return the results
-        if requirements.name in self._distributions:
-            dists = self._distributions[requirements.name].filter(requirements)
-            dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=prefer_source,
-                                     prefer_final=prefer_final)
-        else:
-            dists = []
-        return dists
-    def get(self, requirements, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Browse the PyPI index to find distributions that fullfil the
-        given requirements, and return the most recent one.
-        You can specify prefer_final and prefer_source arguments here.
-        If not, the default one will be used.
+    def get_releases(self, requirements, prefer_final=None,
+                     force_update=False):
+        """Search for releases and return a ReleaseList object containing
+        the results.
         predicate = self._get_version_predicate(requirements)
-        dists = self.find(predicate, *args, **kwargs)
+        if self._projects.has_key(predicate.name.lower()) and not force_update:
+            return self._projects.get(predicate.name.lower())
+        prefer_final = self._get_prefer_final(prefer_final)
+        self._process_index_page(predicate.name)
-        if len(dists) == 0:
-            raise DistributionNotFound(requirements)
+        if not self._projects.has_key(predicate.name.lower()):
+            raise ProjectNotFound()
-        return dists.get_last(predicate)
+        releases = self._projects.get(predicate.name.lower())
+        releases.sort_releases(prefer_final=prefer_final)
+        return releases
-    def download(self, requirements, temp_path=None, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Download the distribution, using the requirements.
+    def get_release(self, requirements, prefer_final=None):
+        """Return only one release that fulfill the given requirements"""
+        predicate = self._get_version_predicate(requirements)
+        release = self.get_releases(predicate, prefer_final)\
+                      .get_last(predicate)
+        if not release:
+            raise ReleaseNotFound("No release matches the given criterias")
+        return release
-        If more than one distribution match the requirements, use the last
-        version.
-        Download the distribution, and put it in the temp_path. If no temp_path
-        is given, creates and return one.
+    def get_distributions(self, project_name, version):
+        """Return the distributions found on the index for the specific given
+        release"""
+        # as the default behavior of get_release is to return a release
+        # containing the distributions, just alias it.
+        return self.get_release("%s (%s)" % (project_name, version))
-        Returns the complete absolute path to the downloaded archive.
+    def get_metadata(self, project_name, version):
+        """Return the metadatas from the simple index.
-        :param requirements: The same as the find attribute of `find`.
-        You can specify prefer_final and prefer_source arguments here.
-        If not, the default one will be used.
+        Currently, download one archive, extract it and use the PKG-INFO file.
-        return self.get(requirements, *args, **kwargs)\
-                   .download(path=temp_path)
-    def _get_version_predicate(self, requirements):
-        """Return a VersionPredicate object, from a string or an already
-        existing object.
-        """
-        if isinstance(requirements, str):
-            requirements = VersionPredicate(requirements)
-        return requirements
-    @property
-    def index_url(self):
-        return self._index_urls[self._current_index_url]
+        release = self.get_distributions(project_name, version)
+        if not release._metadata:
+            location = release.get_distribution().unpack()
+            pkg_info = os.path.join(location, 'PKG-INFO')
+            release._metadata = DistributionMetadata(pkg_info)
+        return release
     def _switch_to_next_mirror(self):
         """Switch to the next mirror (eg. point self.index_url to the next
-        url.
+        mirror url.
+        Raise a KeyError if all mirrors have been tried.
-        # Internally, iter over the _index_url iterable, if we have read all
-        # of the available indexes, raise an exception.
-        if self._current_index_url < len(self._index_urls):
-            self._current_index_url = self._current_index_url + 1
-        else:
-            raise UnableToDownload("All mirrors fails")
+        self._mirrors_used.add(self.index_url)
+        index_url = self._mirrors.pop()
+        if not ("http://" or "https://" or "file://") in index_url:
+            index_url = "http://%s" % index_url
+        if not index_url.endswith("/simple"):
+            index_url = "%s/simple/" % index_url
+        self.index_url = index_url
     def _is_browsable(self, url):
         """Tell if the given URL can be browsed or not.
@@ -228,18 +243,34 @@
                 return True
         return False
-    def _register_dist(self, dist):
-        """Register a distribution as a part of fetched distributions for
-        SimpleIndex.
+    def _register_release(self, release=None, release_info={}):
+        """Register a new release.
-        Return the PyPIDistributions object for the specified project name
+        Both a release or a dict of release_info can be provided, the prefered
+        way (eg. the quicker) is the dict one.
+        Return the list of existing releases for the given project.
-        # Internally, check if a entry exists with the project name, if not,
-        # create a new one, and if exists, add the dist to the pool.
-        if not dist.name in self._distributions:
-            self._distributions[dist.name] = PyPIDistributions()
-        self._distributions[dist.name].append(dist)
-        return self._distributions[dist.name]
+        # Check if the project already has a list of releases (refering to
+        # the project name). If not, create a new release list.
+        # Then, add the release to the list.
+        if release:
+            name = release.name
+        else:
+            name = release_info['name']
+        if not name.lower() in self._projects:
+            self._projects[name.lower()] = ReleasesList(name,
+                                                        index=self._index)
+        if release:
+            self._projects[name.lower()].add_release(release=release)
+        else:
+            name = release_info.pop('name')
+            version = release_info.pop('version')
+            dist_type = release_info.pop('dist_type')
+            self._projects[name.lower()].add_release(version, dist_type,
+                                                     **release_info)
+        return self._projects[name.lower()]
     def _process_url(self, url, project_name=None, follow_links=True):
         """Process an url and search for distributions packages.
@@ -264,9 +295,14 @@
                     if self._is_distribution(link) or is_download:
                         # it's a distribution, so create a dist object
-                        dist = PyPIDistribution.from_url(link, project_name,
-                                    is_external=not self.index_url in url)
-                        self._register_dist(dist)
+                        try:
+                            infos = get_infos_from_url(link, project_name,
+                                        is_external=not self.index_url in url)
+                        except CantParseArchiveName, e:
+                            logging.warning("version has not been parsed: %s"
+                                            % e)
+                        else:
+                            self._register_release(release_info=infos)
                         if self._is_browsable(link) and follow_links:
                             self._process_url(link, project_name,
@@ -280,6 +316,9 @@
             return self._default_link_matcher
+    def _get_full_url(self, url, base_url):
+        return urlparse.urljoin(base_url, self._htmldecode(url))
     def _simple_link_matcher(self, content, base_url):
         """Yield all links with a rel="download" or rel="homepage".
@@ -287,41 +326,39 @@
         If follow_externals is set to False, dont yeld the external
+        for match in HREF.finditer(content):
+            url = self._get_full_url(match.group(1), base_url)
+            if MD5_HASH.match(url):
+                yield (url, True)
         for match in REL.finditer(content):
+            # search for rel links.
             tag, rel = match.groups()
             rels = map(str.strip, rel.lower().split(','))
             if 'homepage' in rels or 'download' in rels:
                 for match in HREF.finditer(tag):
-                    url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url,
-                                           self._htmldecode(match.group(1)))
+                    url = self._get_full_url(match.group(1), base_url)
                     if 'download' in rels or self._is_browsable(url):
                         # yield a list of (url, is_download)
-                        yield (urlparse.urljoin(base_url, url),
-                               'download' in rels)
+                        yield (url, 'download' in rels)
     def _default_link_matcher(self, content, base_url):
         """Yield all links found on the page.
         for match in HREF.finditer(content):
-            url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, self._htmldecode(match.group(1)))
+            url = self._get_full_url(match.group(1), base_url)
             if self._is_browsable(url):
                 yield (url, False)
-    def _process_pypi_page(self, name):
+    @with_mirror_support()
+    def _process_index_page(self, name):
         """Find and process a PyPI page for the given project name.
         :param name: the name of the project to find the page
-        try:
-            # Browse and index the content of the given PyPI page.
-            url = self.index_url + name + "/"
-            self._process_url(url, name)
-        except DownloadError:
-            # if an error occurs, try with the next index_url
-            # (provided by the mirrors)
-            self._switch_to_next_mirror()
-            self._distributions.clear()
-            self._process_pypi_page(name)
+        # Browse and index the content of the given PyPI page.
+        url = self.index_url + name + "/"
+        self._process_url(url, name)
     def _open_url(self, url):
@@ -329,44 +366,35 @@
         files support.
+        scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+        # authentication stuff
+        if scheme in ('http', 'https'):
+            auth, host = urllib2.splituser(netloc)
+        else:
+            auth = None
+        # add index.html automatically for filesystem paths
+        if scheme == 'file':
+            if url.endswith('/'):
+                url += "index.html"
+        # add authorization headers if auth is provided
+        if auth:
+            auth = "Basic " + \
+                urllib2.unquote(auth).encode('base64').strip()
+            new_url = urlparse.urlunparse((
+                scheme, host, path, params, query, frag))
+            request = urllib2.Request(new_url)
+            request.add_header("Authorization", auth)
+        else:
+            request = urllib2.Request(url)
+        request.add_header('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)
-            scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
-            if scheme in ('http', 'https'):
-                auth, host = urllib2.splituser(netloc)
-            else:
-                auth = None
-            # add index.html automatically for filesystem paths
-            if scheme == 'file':
-                if url.endswith('/'):
-                    url += "index.html"
-            if auth:
-                auth = "Basic " + \
-                    urllib2.unquote(auth).encode('base64').strip()
-                new_url = urlparse.urlunparse((
-                    scheme, host, path, params, query, frag))
-                request = urllib2.Request(new_url)
-                request.add_header("Authorization", auth)
-            else:
-                request = urllib2.Request(url)
-            request.add_header('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)
             fp = urllib2.urlopen(request)
-            if auth:
-                # Put authentication info back into request URL if same host,
-                # so that links found on the page will work
-                s2, h2, path2, param2, query2, frag2 = \
-                    urlparse.urlparse(fp.url)
-                if s2 == scheme and h2 == host:
-                    fp.url = urlparse.urlunparse(
-                        (s2, netloc, path2, param2, query2, frag2))
-            return fp
         except (ValueError, httplib.InvalidURL), v:
             msg = ' '.join([str(arg) for arg in v.args])
-            raise PyPIError('%s %s' % (url, msg))
+            raise IndexesError('%s %s' % (url, msg))
         except urllib2.HTTPError, v:
             return v
         except urllib2.URLError, v:
@@ -376,6 +404,18 @@
                 'The server might be down, %s' % (url, v.line))
         except httplib.HTTPException, v:
             raise DownloadError("Download error for %s: %s" % (url, v))
+        except socket.timeout:
+            raise DownloadError("The server timeouted")
+        if auth:
+            # Put authentication info back into request URL if same host,
+            # so that links found on the page will work
+            s2, h2, path2, param2, query2, frag2 = \
+                urlparse.urlparse(fp.url)
+            if s2 == scheme and h2 == host:
+                fp.url = urlparse.urlunparse(
+                    (s2, netloc, path2, param2, query2, frag2))
+        return fp
     def _decode_entity(self, match):
         what = match.group(1)
diff --git a/src/distutils2/index/wrapper.py b/src/distutils2/index/wrapper.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/wrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import xmlrpc
+import simple
+_WRAPPER_MAPPINGS = {'get_release': 'simple',
+                     'get_releases': 'simple',
+                     'search_projects': 'simple',
+                     'get_metadata': 'xmlrpc',
+                     'get_distributions': 'simple'}
+_WRAPPER_INDEXES = {'xmlrpc': xmlrpc.Client,
+                    'simple': simple.Crawler}
+def switch_index_if_fails(func, wrapper):
+    """Decorator that switch of index (for instance from xmlrpc to simple)
+    if the first mirror return an empty list or raises an exception.
+    """
+    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
+        retry = True
+        exception = None
+        methods = [func]
+        for f in wrapper._indexes.values():
+            if f != func.im_self and hasattr(f, func.__name__):
+                methods.append(getattr(f, func.__name__))
+        for method in methods:
+            try:
+                response = method(*args, **kwargs)
+                retry = False
+            except Exception, e:
+                exception = e
+            if not retry:
+                break
+        if retry and exception:
+            raise exception
+        else:
+            return response
+    return decorator
+class ClientWrapper(object):
+    """Wrapper around simple and xmlrpc clients,
+    Choose the best implementation to use depending the needs, using the given
+    mappings.
+    If one of the indexes returns an error, tries to use others indexes.
+    :param index: tell wich index to rely on by default.
+    :param index_classes: a dict of name:class to use as indexes.
+    :param indexes: a dict of name:index already instantiated
+    :param mappings: the mappings to use for this wrapper
+    """
+    def __init__(self, default_index='simple', index_classes=_WRAPPER_INDEXES,
+                 indexes={}, mappings=_WRAPPER_MAPPINGS):
+        self._projects = {}
+        self._mappings = mappings
+        self._indexes = indexes
+        self._default_index = default_index
+        # instantiate the classes and set their _project attribute to the one
+        # of the wrapper.
+        for name, cls in index_classes.items():
+            obj = self._indexes.setdefault(name, cls())
+            obj._projects = self._projects
+            obj._index = self
+    def __getattr__(self, method_name):
+        """When asking for methods of the wrapper, return the implementation of
+        the wrapped classes, depending the mapping.
+        Decorate the methods to switch of implementation if an error occurs
+        """
+        real_method = None
+        if method_name in _WRAPPER_MAPPINGS:
+            obj = self._indexes[_WRAPPER_MAPPINGS[method_name]]
+            real_method = getattr(obj, method_name)
+        else:
+            # the method is not defined in the mappings, so we try first to get
+            # it via the default index, and rely on others if needed.
+            try:
+                real_method = getattr(self._indexes[self._default_index],
+                                      method_name)
+            except AttributeError:
+                other_indexes = [i for i in self._indexes
+                                 if i != self._default_index]
+                for index in other_indexes:
+                    real_method = getattr(self._indexes[index], method_name, None)
+                    if real_method:
+                        break
+        if real_method:
+            return switch_index_if_fails(real_method, self)
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError("No index have attribute '%s'" % method_name)
diff --git a/src/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py b/src/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+import logging
+import xmlrpclib
+from distutils2.errors import IrrationalVersionError
+from distutils2.index.base import BaseClient
+from distutils2.index.errors import ProjectNotFound, InvalidSearchField
+from distutils2.index.dist import ReleaseInfo
+__all__ = ['Client', 'DEFAULT_XMLRPC_INDEX_URL']
+DEFAULT_XMLRPC_INDEX_URL = 'http://python.org/pypi'
+_SEARCH_FIELDS = ['name', 'version', 'author', 'author_email', 'maintainer',
+                  'maintainer_email', 'home_page', 'license', 'summary',
+                  'description', 'keywords', 'platform', 'download_url']
+class Client(BaseClient):
+    """Client to query indexes using XML-RPC method calls.
+    If no server_url is specified, use the default PyPI XML-RPC URL,
+    defined in the DEFAULT_XMLRPC_INDEX_URL constant::
+        >>> client = XMLRPCClient()
+        >>> client.server_url == DEFAULT_XMLRPC_INDEX_URL
+        True
+        >>> client = XMLRPCClient("http://someurl/")
+        >>> client.server_url
+        'http://someurl/'
+    """
+    def __init__(self, server_url=DEFAULT_XMLRPC_INDEX_URL, prefer_final=False,
+                 prefer_source=True):
+        super(Client, self).__init__(prefer_final, prefer_source)
+        self.server_url = server_url
+        self._projects = {}
+    def get_release(self, requirements, prefer_final=False):
+        """Return a release with all complete metadata and distribution
+        related informations.
+        """
+        prefer_final = self._get_prefer_final(prefer_final)
+        predicate = self._get_version_predicate(requirements)
+        releases = self.get_releases(predicate.name)
+        release = releases.get_last(predicate, prefer_final)
+        self.get_metadata(release.name, "%s" % release.version)
+        self.get_distributions(release.name, "%s" % release.version)
+        return release
+    def get_releases(self, requirements, prefer_final=None, show_hidden=True,
+                     force_update=False):
+        """Return the list of existing releases for a specific project.
+        Cache the results from one call to another.
+        If show_hidden is True, return the hidden releases too.
+        If force_update is True, reprocess the index to update the
+        informations (eg. make a new XML-RPC call).
+        ::
+            >>> client = XMLRPCClient()
+            >>> client.get_releases('Foo')
+            ['1.1', '1.2', '1.3']
+        If no such project exists, raise a ProjectNotFound exception::
+            >>> client.get_project_versions('UnexistingProject')
+            ProjectNotFound: UnexistingProject
+        """
+        def get_versions(project_name, show_hidden):
+            return self.proxy.package_releases(project_name, show_hidden)
+        predicate = self._get_version_predicate(requirements)
+        prefer_final = self._get_prefer_final(prefer_final)
+        project_name = predicate.name
+        if not force_update and (project_name.lower() in self._projects):
+            project = self._projects[project_name.lower()]
+            if not project.contains_hidden and show_hidden:
+                # if hidden releases are requested, and have an existing
+                # list of releases that does not contains hidden ones
+                all_versions = get_versions(project_name, show_hidden)
+                existing_versions = project.get_versions()
+                hidden_versions = list(set(all_versions) -
+                                       set(existing_versions))
+                for version in hidden_versions:
+                    project.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo(project_name,
+                                            version, index=self._index))
+        else:
+            versions = get_versions(project_name, show_hidden)
+            if not versions:
+                raise ProjectNotFound(project_name)
+            project = self._get_project(project_name)
+            project.add_releases([ReleaseInfo(project_name, version,
+                                              index=self._index)
+                                  for version in versions])
+        project = project.filter(predicate)
+        project.sort_releases(prefer_final)
+        return project
+    def get_distributions(self, project_name, version):
+        """Grab informations about distributions from XML-RPC.
+        Return a ReleaseInfo object, with distribution-related informations
+        filled in.
+        """
+        url_infos = self.proxy.release_urls(project_name, version)
+        project = self._get_project(project_name)
+        if version not in project.get_versions():
+            project.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo(project_name, version,
+                                                    index=self._index))
+        release = project.get_release(version)
+        for info in url_infos:
+            packagetype = info['packagetype']
+            dist_infos = {'url': info['url'],
+                          'hashval': info['md5_digest'],
+                          'hashname': 'md5',
+                          'is_external': False,
+                          'python_version': info['python_version']}
+            release.add_distribution(packagetype, **dist_infos)
+        return release
+    def get_metadata(self, project_name, version):
+        """Retreive project metadatas.
+        Return a ReleaseInfo object, with metadata informations filled in.
+        """
+        metadata = self.proxy.release_data(project_name, version)
+        project = self._get_project(project_name)
+        if version not in project.get_versions():
+            project.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo(project_name, version,
+                                                    index=self._index))
+        release = project.get_release(version)
+        release.set_metadata(metadata)
+        return release
+    def search_projects(self, name=None, operator="or", **kwargs):
+        """Find using the keys provided in kwargs.
+        You can set operator to "and" or "or".
+        """
+        for key in kwargs:
+            if key not in _SEARCH_FIELDS:
+                raise InvalidSearchField(key)
+        if name:
+            kwargs["name"] = name
+        projects = self.proxy.search(kwargs, operator)
+        for p in projects:
+            project = self._get_project(p['name'])
+            try:
+                project.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo(p['name'],
+                    p['version'], metadata={'summary': p['summary']},
+                    index=self._index))
+            except IrrationalVersionError, e:
+                logging.warn("Irrational version error found: %s" % e)
+        return [self._projects[p['name'].lower()] for p in projects]
+    @property
+    def proxy(self):
+        """Property used to return the XMLRPC server proxy.
+        If no server proxy is defined yet, creates a new one::
+            >>> client = XmlRpcClient()
+            >>> client.proxy()
+            <ServerProxy for python.org/pypi>
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, '_server_proxy'):
+            self._server_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.server_url)
+        return self._server_proxy
diff --git a/src/distutils2/metadata.py b/src/distutils2/metadata.py
--- a/src/distutils2/metadata.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/metadata.py
@@ -183,9 +183,12 @@
     """The metadata of a release.
     Supports versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 (auto-detected).
+    if from_dict attribute is set, all key/values pairs will be sent to the
+    "set" method, building the metadata from the dict.
     def __init__(self, path=None, platform_dependent=False,
-                 execution_context=None, fileobj=None):
+                 execution_context=None, fileobj=None, mapping=None):
         self._fields = {}
         self.version = None
         self.docutils_support = _HAS_DOCUTILS
@@ -195,6 +198,8 @@
         elif fileobj is not None:
         self.execution_context = execution_context
+        if mapping:
+            self.update(mapping)
     def _set_best_version(self):
         self.version = _best_version(self._fields)
@@ -322,6 +327,38 @@
             for value in values:
                 self._write_field(fileobject, field, value)
+    def update(self, other=None, **kwargs):
+        """Set metadata values from the given mapping
+        Convert the keys to Metadata fields. Given keys that don't match a
+        metadata argument will not be used.
+        If overwrite is set to False, just add metadata values that are
+        actually not defined.
+        If there is existing values in conflict with the dictionary ones, the
+        new values prevails.
+        Empty values (e.g. None and []) are not setted this way.
+        """
+        def _set(key, value):
+            if value not in ([], None) and key in _ATTR2FIELD:
+                self.set(self._convert_name(key), value)
+        if other is None:
+            pass
+        elif hasattr(other, 'iteritems'):  # iteritems saves memory and lookups
+            for k, v in other.iteritems():
+                _set(k, v)
+        elif hasattr(other, 'keys'):
+            for k in other.keys():
+                _set(k, v)
+        else:
+            for k, v in other:
+                _set(k, v)
+        if kwargs:
+            self.update(kwargs)
     def set(self, name, value):
         """Control then set a metadata field."""
         name = self._convert_name(name)
diff --git a/src/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py b/src/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py
--- a/src/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py
@@ -5,17 +5,28 @@
 before any use.
+import os
 import Queue
+import SocketServer
+import select
 import threading
 from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
 from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
-import os.path
-import select
+from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
 from distutils2.tests.support import unittest
 PYPI_DEFAULT_STATIC_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/pypiserver"
+def use_xmlrpc_server(*server_args, **server_kwargs):
+    server_kwargs['serve_xmlrpc'] = True
+    return use_pypi_server(*server_args, **server_kwargs)
+def use_http_server(*server_args, **server_kwargs):
+    server_kwargs['serve_xmlrpc'] = False
+    return use_pypi_server(*server_args, **server_kwargs)
 def use_pypi_server(*server_args, **server_kwargs):
     """Decorator to make use of the PyPIServer for test methods, 
     just when needed, and not for the entire duration of the testcase.
@@ -50,38 +61,58 @@
     def __init__(self, test_static_path=None,
-                 static_filesystem_paths=["default"], static_uri_paths=["simple"]):
+                 static_filesystem_paths=["default"],
+                 static_uri_paths=["simple"], serve_xmlrpc=False) :
         """Initialize the server.
+        Default behavior is to start the HTTP server. You can either start the 
+        xmlrpc server by setting xmlrpc to True. Caution: Only one server will
+        be started.
         static_uri_paths and static_base_path are parameters used to provides
         respectively the http_paths to serve statically, and where to find the
         matching files on the filesystem.
+        # we want to launch the server in a new dedicated thread, to not freeze
+        # tests.
         self._run = True
-        self.httpd = HTTPServer(('', 0), PyPIRequestHandler)
-        self.httpd.RequestHandlerClass.log_request = lambda *_: None
-        self.httpd.RequestHandlerClass.pypi_server = self
-        self.address = (self.httpd.server_name, self.httpd.server_port)
-        self.request_queue = Queue.Queue()
-        self._requests = []
-        self.default_response_status = 200
-        self.default_response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
-        self.default_response_data = "hello"
-        # initialize static paths / filesystems
-        self.static_uri_paths = static_uri_paths
-        if test_static_path is not None:
-            static_filesystem_paths.append(test_static_path)
-        self.static_filesystem_paths = [PYPI_DEFAULT_STATIC_PATH + "/" + path
-            for path in static_filesystem_paths]
+        self._serve_xmlrpc = serve_xmlrpc
+        if not self._serve_xmlrpc:
+            self.server = HTTPServer(('', 0), PyPIRequestHandler)
+            self.server.RequestHandlerClass.pypi_server = self
+            self.request_queue = Queue.Queue()
+            self._requests = []
+            self.default_response_status = 200
+            self.default_response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
+            self.default_response_data = "hello"
+            # initialize static paths / filesystems
+            self.static_uri_paths = static_uri_paths
+            if test_static_path is not None:
+                static_filesystem_paths.append(test_static_path)
+            self.static_filesystem_paths = [PYPI_DEFAULT_STATIC_PATH + "/" + path
+                for path in static_filesystem_paths]
+        else:
+            # xmlrpc server
+            self.server = PyPIXMLRPCServer(('', 0))
+            self.xmlrpc = XMLRPCMockIndex()
+            # register the xmlrpc methods
+            self.server.register_introspection_functions()
+            self.server.register_instance(self.xmlrpc)
+        self.address = (self.server.server_name, self.server.server_port)
+        # to not have unwanted outputs.
+        self.server.RequestHandlerClass.log_request = lambda *_: None
     def run(self):
         # loop because we can't stop it otherwise, for python < 2.6
         while self._run:
-            r, w, e = select.select([self.httpd], [], [], 0.5)
+            r, w, e = select.select([self.server], [], [], 0.5)
             if r:
-                self.httpd.handle_request()
+                self.server.handle_request()
     def stop(self):
         """self shutdown is not supported for python < 2.6"""
@@ -191,3 +222,180 @@
             self.send_header(header, value)
+class PyPIXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer):
+    def server_bind(self):
+        """Override server_bind to store the server name."""
+        SocketServer.TCPServer.server_bind(self)
+        host, port = self.socket.getsockname()[:2]
+        self.server_name = socket.getfqdn(host)
+        self.server_port = port
+class MockDist(object):
+    """Fake distribution, used in the Mock PyPI Server""" 
+    def __init__(self, name, version="1.0", hidden=False, url="http://url/",
+             type="sdist", filename="", size=10000,
+             digest="123456", downloads=7, has_sig=False,
+             python_version="source", comment="comment",
+             author="John Doe", author_email="john at doe.name",
+             maintainer="Main Tayner", maintainer_email="maintainer_mail",
+             project_url="http://project_url/", homepage="http://homepage/",
+             keywords="", platform="UNKNOWN", classifiers=[], licence="",
+             description="Description", summary="Summary", stable_version="",
+             ordering="", documentation_id="", code_kwalitee_id="",
+             installability_id="", obsoletes=[], obsoletes_dist=[],
+             provides=[], provides_dist=[], requires=[], requires_dist=[],
+             requires_external=[], requires_python=""):
+        # basic fields
+        self.name = name
+        self.version = version
+        self.hidden = hidden
+        # URL infos
+        self.url = url
+        self.digest = digest
+        self.downloads = downloads
+        self.has_sig = has_sig
+        self.python_version = python_version
+        self.comment = comment
+        self.type = type
+        # metadata
+        self.author = author
+        self.author_email = author_email
+        self.maintainer = maintainer
+        self.maintainer_email = maintainer_email
+        self.project_url = project_url
+        self.homepage = homepage
+        self.keywords = keywords
+        self.platform = platform
+        self.classifiers = classifiers
+        self.licence = licence
+        self.description = description
+        self.summary = summary
+        self.stable_version = stable_version
+        self.ordering = ordering
+        self.cheesecake_documentation_id = documentation_id
+        self.cheesecake_code_kwalitee_id = code_kwalitee_id
+        self.cheesecake_installability_id = installability_id
+        self.obsoletes = obsoletes
+        self.obsoletes_dist = obsoletes_dist
+        self.provides = provides
+        self.provides_dist = provides_dist
+        self.requires = requires
+        self.requires_dist = requires_dist
+        self.requires_external = requires_external
+        self.requires_python = requires_python
+    def url_infos(self):
+        return {
+            'url': self.url,
+            'packagetype': self.type,
+            'filename': 'filename.tar.gz',
+            'size': '6000',
+            'md5_digest': self.digest,
+            'downloads': self.downloads,
+            'has_sig': self.has_sig,
+            'python_version': self.python_version,
+            'comment_text': self.comment,
+        }
+    def metadata(self):
+        return {
+            'maintainer': self.maintainer,
+            'project_url': [self.project_url],
+            'maintainer_email': self.maintainer_email,
+            'cheesecake_code_kwalitee_id': self.cheesecake_code_kwalitee_id,
+            'keywords': self.keywords,
+            'obsoletes_dist': self.obsoletes_dist,
+            'requires_external': self.requires_external,
+            'author': self.author,
+            'author_email': self.author_email,
+            'download_url': self.url,
+            'platform': self.platform,
+            'version': self.version,
+            'obsoletes': self.obsoletes,
+            'provides': self.provides,
+            'cheesecake_documentation_id': self.cheesecake_documentation_id,
+            '_pypi_hidden': self.hidden,
+            'description': self.description,
+            '_pypi_ordering': 19,
+            'requires_dist': self.requires_dist,
+            'requires_python': self.requires_python,
+            'classifiers': [],
+            'name': self.name,
+            'licence': self.licence,
+            'summary': self.summary,
+            'home_page': self.homepage,
+            'stable_version': self.stale_version,
+            'provides_dist': self.provides_dist,
+            'requires': self.requires,
+            'cheesecake_installability_id': self.cheesecake_installability_id,
+        }
+    def search_result(self):
+        return {
+            '_pypi_ordering': 0,
+            'version': self.version,
+            'name': self.name,
+            'summary': self.summary,
+        }
+class XMLRPCMockIndex(object):
+    """Mock XMLRPC server"""
+    def __init__(self, dists=[]):
+        self._dists = dists
+    def add_distributions(self, dists):
+        for dist in dists:
+           self._dists.append(MockDist(**dist))
+    def set_distributions(self, dists):
+        self._dists = []
+        self.add_distributions(dists)
+    def set_search_result(self, result):
+        """set a predefined search result"""
+        self._search_result = result
+    def _get_search_results(self):
+        results = []
+        for name in self._search_result:
+            found_dist = [d for d in self._dists if d.name == name]
+            if found_dist:
+                results.append(found_dist[0])
+            else:
+                dist = MockDist(name)
+                results.append(dist)
+                self._dists.append(dist)
+        return [r.search_result() for r in results]
+    def list_package(self):
+        return [d.name for d in self._dists]
+    def package_releases(self, package_name, show_hidden=False):
+        if show_hidden:
+            # return all
+            return [d.version for d in self._dists if d.name == package_name]
+        else:
+            # return only un-hidden
+            return [d.version for d in self._dists if d.name == package_name
+                    and not d.hidden]
+    def release_urls(self, package_name, version):
+        return [d.url_infos() for d in self._dists
+                if d.name == package_name and d.version == version]
+    def release_data(self, package_name, version):
+        release = [d for d in self._dists
+                   if d.name == package_name and d.version == version]
+        if release:
+            return release[0].metadata()
+        else:
+            return {}
+    def search(self, spec, operator="and"):
+        return self._get_search_results()
diff --git a/src/distutils2/tests/pypiserver/project_list/simple/index.html b/src/distutils2/tests/pypiserver/project_list/simple/index.html
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/distutils2/tests/pypiserver/project_list/simple/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<a class="test" href="yeah">FooBar-bar</a>
+<a class="test" href="yeah">Foobar-baz</a>
+<a class="test" href="yeah">Baz-FooBar</a>
+<a class="test" href="yeah">Baz</a>
+<a class="test" href="yeah">Foo</a>
diff --git a/src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_dist.py b/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_dist.py
rename from src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_dist.py
rename to src/distutils2/tests/test_index_dist.py
--- a/src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_dist.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_dist.py
@@ -1,72 +1,93 @@
-"""Tests for the distutils2.pypi.dist module."""
+"""Tests for the distutils2.index.dist module."""
+import os
 from distutils2.tests.pypi_server import use_pypi_server
 from distutils2.tests import run_unittest
 from distutils2.tests.support import unittest, TempdirManager
 from distutils2.version import VersionPredicate
-from distutils2.pypi.errors import HashDoesNotMatch, UnsupportedHashName
-from distutils2.pypi.dist import (PyPIDistribution as Dist,
-                                  PyPIDistributions as Dists,
-                                  split_archive_name)
+from distutils2.index.errors import HashDoesNotMatch, UnsupportedHashName
+from distutils2.index.dist import (ReleaseInfo, ReleasesList, DistInfo,
+                                   split_archive_name, get_infos_from_url)
-class TestPyPIDistribution(TempdirManager,
-                           unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests the pypi.dist.PyPIDistribution class"""
+def Dist(*args, **kwargs):
+    # DistInfo takes a release as a first parameter, avoid this in tests.
+    return DistInfo(None, *args, **kwargs)
+class TestReleaseInfo(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_instantiation(self):
-        # Test the Distribution class provides us the good attributes when
+        # Test the DistInfo class provides us the good attributes when
         # given on construction
-        dist = Dist("FooBar", "1.1")
-        self.assertEqual("FooBar", dist.name)
-        self.assertEqual("1.1", "%s" % dist.version)
+        release = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1")
+        self.assertEqual("FooBar", release.name)
+        self.assertEqual("1.1", "%s" % release.version)
-    def test_create_from_url(self):
-        # Test that the Distribution object can be built from a single URL
+    def test_add_dist(self):
+        # empty distribution type should assume "sdist"
+        release = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1")
+        release.add_distribution(url="http://example.org/")
+        # should not fail
+        release['sdist']
+    def test_get_unknown_distribution(self):
+        # should raise a KeyError
+        pass
+    def test_get_infos_from_url(self):
+        # Test that the the URLs are parsed the right way
         url_list = {
             'FooBar-1.1.0.tar.gz': {
                 'name': 'foobar',  # lowercase the name
-                'version': '1.1',
+                'version': '1.1.0',
             'Foo-Bar-1.1.0.zip': {
                 'name': 'foo-bar',  # keep the dash
-                'version': '1.1',
+                'version': '1.1.0',
             'foobar-1.1b2.tar.gz#md5=123123123123123': {
                 'name': 'foobar',
                 'version': '1.1b2',
-                'url': {
-                    'url': 'http://test.tld/foobar-1.1b2.tar.gz',  # no hash
-                    'hashval': '123123123123123',
-                    'hashname': 'md5',
-                }
+                'url': 'http://example.org/foobar-1.1b2.tar.gz',  # no hash
+                'hashval': '123123123123123',
+                'hashname': 'md5',
             'foobar-1.1-rc2.tar.gz': {  # use suggested name
                 'name': 'foobar',
                 'version': '1.1c2',
-                'url': {
-                    'url': 'http://test.tld/foobar-1.1-rc2.tar.gz',
-                }
+                'url': 'http://example.org/foobar-1.1-rc2.tar.gz',
         for url, attributes in url_list.items():
-            dist = Dist.from_url("http://test.tld/" + url)
-            for attribute, value in attributes.items():
-                if isinstance(value, dict):
-                    mylist = getattr(dist, attribute)
-                    for val in value.keys():
-                        self.assertEqual(value[val], mylist[val])
+            # for each url
+            infos = get_infos_from_url("http://example.org/" + url)
+            for attribute, expected in attributes.items():
+                got = infos.get(attribute)
+                if attribute == "version":
+                    self.assertEqual("%s" % got, expected)
-                    if attribute == "version":
-                        self.assertEqual(str(getattr(dist, "version")), value)
-                    else:
-                        self.assertEqual(getattr(dist, attribute), value)
+                    self.assertEqual(got, expected)
+    def test_split_archive_name(self):
+        # Test we can split the archive names
+        names = {
+            'foo-bar-baz-1.0-rc2': ('foo-bar-baz', '1.0c2'),
+            'foo-bar-baz-1.0': ('foo-bar-baz', '1.0'),
+            'foobarbaz-1.0': ('foobarbaz', '1.0'),
+        }
+        for name, results in names.items():
+            self.assertEqual(results, split_archive_name(name))
+class TestDistInfo(TempdirManager, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_get_url(self):
         # Test that the url property works well
-        d = Dist("foobar", "1.1", url="test_url")
+        d = Dist(url="test_url")
         self.assertDictEqual(d.url, {
             "url": "test_url",
             "is_external": True,
@@ -83,13 +104,13 @@
             "hashname": None,
             "hashval": None,
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(d._urls))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(d.urls))
-    def test_comparaison(self):
-        # Test that we can compare PyPIDistributions
-        foo1 = Dist("foo", "1.0")
-        foo2 = Dist("foo", "2.0")
-        bar = Dist("bar", "2.0")
+    def test_comparison(self):
+        # Test that we can compare DistInfoributionInfoList
+        foo1 = ReleaseInfo("foo", "1.0")
+        foo2 = ReleaseInfo("foo", "2.0")
+        bar = ReleaseInfo("bar", "2.0")
         # assert we use the version to compare
         self.assertTrue(foo1 < foo2)
         self.assertFalse(foo1 > foo2)
@@ -98,34 +119,23 @@
         # assert we can't compare dists with different names
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, foo1.__eq__, bar)
-    def test_split_archive_name(self):
-        # Test we can split the archive names
-        names = {
-            'foo-bar-baz-1.0-rc2': ('foo-bar-baz', '1.0c2'),
-            'foo-bar-baz-1.0': ('foo-bar-baz', '1.0'),
-            'foobarbaz-1.0': ('foobarbaz', '1.0'),
-        }
-        for name, results in names.items():
-            self.assertEqual(results, split_archive_name(name))
     def test_download(self, server):
         # Download is possible, and the md5 is checked if given
         url = "%s/simple/foobar/foobar-0.1.tar.gz" % server.full_address
         # check md5 if given
-        dist = Dist("FooBar", "0.1", url=url, url_hashname="md5",
-                    url_hashval="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")
+        dist = Dist(url=url, hashname="md5",
+                    hashval="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")
         # a wrong md5 fails
-        dist2 = Dist("FooBar", "0.1", url=url,
-                     url_hashname="md5", url_hashval="wrongmd5")
+        dist2 = Dist(url=url, hashname="md5", hashval="wrongmd5")
         self.assertRaises(HashDoesNotMatch, dist2.download, self.mkdtemp())
         # we can omit the md5 hash
-        dist3 = Dist("FooBar", "0.1", url=url)
+        dist3 = Dist(url=url)
         # and specify a temporary location
@@ -134,106 +144,104 @@
         # and for a new one
         path2_base = self.mkdtemp()
-        dist4 = Dist("FooBar", "0.1", url=url)
+        dist4 = Dist(url=url)
         path2 = dist4.download(path=path2_base)
         self.assertTrue(path2_base in path2)
     def test_hashname(self):
         # Invalid hashnames raises an exception on assignation
-        Dist("FooBar", "0.1", url_hashname="md5", url_hashval="value")
+        Dist(hashname="md5", hashval="value")
-        self.assertRaises(UnsupportedHashName, Dist, "FooBar", "0.1",
-                          url_hashname="invalid_hashname", url_hashval="value")
+        self.assertRaises(UnsupportedHashName, Dist,
+                          hashname="invalid_hashname",
+                          hashval="value")
-class TestPyPIDistributions(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestReleasesList(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_filter(self):
         # Test we filter the distributions the right way, using version
         # predicate match method
-        dists = Dists((
-            Dist("FooBar", "1.1"),
-            Dist("FooBar", "1.1.1"),
-            Dist("FooBar", "1.2"),
-            Dist("FooBar", "1.2.1"),
+        releases = ReleasesList('FooBar', (
+            ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1"),
+            ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1.1"),
+            ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.2"),
+            ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.2.1"),
-        filtered = dists.filter(VersionPredicate("FooBar (<1.2)"))
-        self.assertNotIn(dists[2], filtered)
-        self.assertNotIn(dists[3], filtered)
-        self.assertIn(dists[0], filtered)
-        self.assertIn(dists[1], filtered)
+        filtered = releases.filter(VersionPredicate("FooBar (<1.2)"))
+        self.assertNotIn(releases[2], filtered)
+        self.assertNotIn(releases[3], filtered)
+        self.assertIn(releases[0], filtered)
+        self.assertIn(releases[1], filtered)
     def test_append(self):
         # When adding a new item to the list, the behavior is to test if
-        # a distribution with the same name and version number already exists,
-        # and if so, to add url informations to the existing PyPIDistribution
+        # a release with the same name and version number already exists,
+        # and if so, to add a new distribution for it. If the distribution type
+        # is already defined too, add url informations to the existing DistInfo
         # object.
-        # If no object matches, just add "normally" the object to the list.
-        dists = Dists([
-            Dist("FooBar", "1.1", url="external_url", type="source"),
+        releases = ReleasesList("FooBar", [
+            ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1", url="external_url",
+                        dist_type="sdist"),
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(dists))
-        dists.append(Dist("FooBar", "1.1", url="internal_url",
-                          url_is_external=False, type="source"))
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(dists))
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(dists[0]._urls))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(releases))
+        releases.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1",
+                                                 url="internal_url",
+                                                 is_external=False,
+                                                 dist_type="sdist"))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(releases))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(releases[0]['sdist'].urls))
-        dists.append(Dist("Foobar", "1.1.1", type="source"))
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(dists))
+        releases.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1.1",
+                                                 dist_type="sdist"))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(releases))
         # when adding a distribution whith a different type, a new distribution
         # has to be added.
-        dists.append(Dist("Foobar", "1.1.1", type="binary"))
-        self.assertEqual(3, len(dists))
+        releases.add_release(release=ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1.1",
+                                                 dist_type="bdist"))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(releases))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(releases[1].dists))
     def test_prefer_final(self):
         # Can order the distributions using prefer_final
-        fb10 = Dist("FooBar", "1.0")  # final distribution
-        fb11a = Dist("FooBar", "1.1a1")  # alpha
-        fb12a = Dist("FooBar", "1.2a1")  # alpha
-        fb12b = Dist("FooBar", "1.2b1")  # beta
-        dists = Dists([fb10, fb11a, fb12a, fb12b])
+        fb10 = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.0")  # final distribution
+        fb11a = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.1a1")  # alpha
+        fb12a = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.2a1")  # alpha
+        fb12b = ReleaseInfo("FooBar", "1.2b1")  # beta
+        dists = ReleasesList("FooBar", [fb10, fb11a, fb12a, fb12b])
-        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_final=True)
+        dists.sort_releases(prefer_final=True)
         self.assertEqual(fb10, dists[0])
-        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_final=False)
+        dists.sort_releases(prefer_final=False)
         self.assertEqual(fb12b, dists[0])
-    def test_prefer_source(self):
-        # Ordering support prefer_source
-        fb_source = Dist("FooBar", "1.0", type="source")
-        fb_binary = Dist("FooBar", "1.0", type="binary")
-        fb2_binary = Dist("FooBar", "2.0", type="binary")
-        dists = Dists([fb_binary, fb_source])
-        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=True)
-        self.assertEqual(fb_source, dists[0])
-        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=False)
-        self.assertEqual(fb_binary, dists[0])
-        dists.append(fb2_binary)
-        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=True)
-        self.assertEqual(fb2_binary, dists[0])
-    def test_get_same_name_and_version(self):
-        # PyPIDistributions can return a list of "duplicates"
-        fb_source = Dist("FooBar", "1.0", type="source")
-        fb_binary = Dist("FooBar", "1.0", type="binary")
-        fb2_binary = Dist("FooBar", "2.0", type="binary")
-        dists = Dists([fb_binary, fb_source, fb2_binary])
-        duplicates = dists.get_same_name_and_version()
-        self.assertTrue(1, len(duplicates))
-        self.assertIn(fb_source, duplicates[0])
+#    def test_prefer_source(self):
+#        # Ordering support prefer_source
+#        fb_source = Dist("FooBar", "1.0", type="source")
+#        fb_binary = Dist("FooBar", "1.0", type="binary")
+#        fb2_binary = Dist("FooBar", "2.0", type="binary")
+#        dists = ReleasesList([fb_binary, fb_source])
+#        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=True)
+#        self.assertEqual(fb_source, dists[0])
+#        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=False)
+#        self.assertEqual(fb_binary, dists[0])
+#        dists.append(fb2_binary)
+#        dists.sort_distributions(prefer_source=True)
+#        self.assertEqual(fb2_binary, dists[0])
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestPyPIDistribution))
-    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestPyPIDistributions))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestDistInfo))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestReleaseInfo))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestReleasesList))
     return suite
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_simple.py b/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_simple.py
rename from src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_simple.py
rename to src/distutils2/tests/test_index_simple.py
--- a/src/distutils2/tests/test_pypi_simple.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_simple.py
@@ -3,35 +3,34 @@
 import sys
 import os
-import shutil
 import urllib2
-from distutils2.pypi import simple
-from distutils2.tests import support, run_unittest
+from distutils2.index.simple import Crawler
+from distutils2.tests import support
 from distutils2.tests.support import unittest
 from distutils2.tests.pypi_server import (use_pypi_server, PyPIServer,
-class PyPISimpleTestCase(support.TempdirManager,
-                         unittest.TestCase):
+class SimpleCrawlerTestCase(support.TempdirManager, unittest.TestCase):
-    def _get_simple_index(self, server, base_url="/simple/", hosts=None,
+    def _get_simple_crawler(self, server, base_url="/simple/", hosts=None,
                           *args, **kwargs):
-        """Build and return a SimpleSimpleIndex instance, with the test server
+        """Build and return a SimpleIndex instance, with the test server
         if hosts is None:
             hosts = (server.full_address.strip("http://"),)
         kwargs['hosts'] = hosts
-        return simple.SimpleIndex(server.full_address + base_url, *args,
+        return Crawler(server.full_address + base_url, *args,
-    def test_bad_urls(self):
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex()
+    @use_pypi_server()
+    def test_bad_urls(self, server):
+        crawler = Crawler()
         url = ''
-            v = index._open_url(url)
+            v = crawler._open_url(url)
         except Exception, v:
             self.assertTrue(url in str(v))
@@ -40,10 +39,10 @@
         # issue 16
         # easy_install inquant.contentmirror.plone breaks because of a typo
         # in its home URL
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(hosts=('www.example.com',))
+        crawler = Crawler(hosts=('example.org',))
         url = 'url:%20https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/inquant.contentmirror.plone/trunk'
-            v = index._open_url(url)
+            v = crawler._open_url(url)
         except Exception, v:
             self.assertTrue(url in str(v))
@@ -55,10 +54,10 @@
         old_urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
         urllib2.urlopen = _urlopen
-        url = 'http://example.com'
+        url = 'http://example.org'
-                v = index._open_url(url)
+                v = crawler._open_url(url)
             except Exception, v:
                 self.assertTrue('line' in str(v))
@@ -69,91 +68,91 @@
         # issue 20
         url = 'http://http://svn.pythonpaste.org/Paste/wphp/trunk'
-            index._open_url(url)
+            crawler._open_url(url)
         except Exception, v:
             self.assertTrue('nonnumeric port' in str(v))
         # issue #160
         if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 7:
             # this should not fail
-            url = 'http://example.com'
+            url = server.full_address
             page = ('<a href="http://www.famfamfam.com]('
-            index._process_url(url, page)
+            crawler._process_url(url, page)
     def test_found_links(self, server):
-        # Browse the index, asking for a specified distribution version
+        # Browse the index, asking for a specified release version
         # The PyPI index contains links for version 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and 2.0.1
-        index = self._get_simple_index(server)
-        last_distribution = index.get("foobar")
+        crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server)
+        last_release = crawler.get_release("foobar")
         # we have scanned the index page
         self.assertIn(server.full_address + "/simple/foobar/",
-            index._processed_urls)
+            crawler._processed_urls)
-        # we have found 4 distributions in this page
-        self.assertEqual(len(index._distributions["foobar"]), 4)
+        # we have found 4 releases in this page
+        self.assertEqual(len(crawler._projects["foobar"]), 4)
         # and returned the most recent one
-        self.assertEqual("%s" % last_distribution.version, '2.0.1')
+        self.assertEqual("%s" % last_release.version, '2.0.1')
     def test_is_browsable(self):
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(follow_externals=False)
-        self.assertTrue(index._is_browsable(index.index_url + "test"))
+        crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=False)
+        self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable(crawler.index_url + "test"))
         # Now, when following externals, we can have a list of hosts to trust.
         # and don't follow other external links than the one described here.
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(hosts=["pypi.python.org", "test.org"],
+        crawler = Crawler(hosts=["pypi.python.org", "example.org"],
         good_urls = (
-            "http://test.org",
-            "http://test.org/",
-            "http://test.org/simple/",
+            "http://example.org",
+            "http://example.org/",
+            "http://example.org/simple/",
         bad_urls = (
-            "http://test.tld",
+            "http://example.tld",
         for url in good_urls:
-            self.assertTrue(index._is_browsable(url))
+            self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable(url))
         for url in bad_urls:
-            self.assertFalse(index._is_browsable(url))
+            self.assertFalse(crawler._is_browsable(url))
         # allow all hosts
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(follow_externals=True, hosts=("*",))
-        self.assertTrue(index._is_browsable("http://an-external.link/path"))
-        self.assertTrue(index._is_browsable("pypi.test.tld/a/path"))
+        crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=True, hosts=("*",))
+        self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("http://an-external.link/path"))
+        self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("pypi.example.org/a/path"))
         # specify a list of hosts we want to allow
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(follow_externals=True,
-                                   hosts=("*.test.tld",))
-        self.assertFalse(index._is_browsable("http://an-external.link/path"))
-        self.assertTrue(index._is_browsable("http://pypi.test.tld/a/path"))
+        crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=True,
+                                   hosts=("*.example.org",))
+        self.assertFalse(crawler._is_browsable("http://an-external.link/path"))
+        self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("http://pypi.example.org/a/path"))
-    def test_restrict_hosts(self, server):
+    def test_follow_externals(self, server):
         # Include external pages
         # Try to request the package index, wich contains links to "externals"
         # resources. They have to  be scanned too.
-        index = self._get_simple_index(server, follow_externals=True)
-        index.get("foobar")
+        crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server, follow_externals=True)
+        crawler.get_release("foobar")
         self.assertIn(server.full_address + "/external/external.html",
-            index._processed_urls)
+            crawler._processed_urls)
     def test_restrict_hosts(self, server):
         # Only use a list of allowed hosts is possible
         # Test that telling the simple pyPI client to not retrieve external
         # works
-        index = self._get_simple_index(server, follow_externals=False)
-        index.get("foobar")
+        crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server, follow_externals=False)
+        crawler.get_release("foobar")
         self.assertNotIn(server.full_address + "/external/external.html",
-            index._processed_urls)
+            crawler._processed_urls)
         static_uri_paths=["simple", "external"])
@@ -167,23 +166,26 @@
         # - someone manually coindexes this link (with the md5 in the url) onto
         #   an external page accessible from the package page.
         # - someone reuploads the package (with a different md5)
-        # - while easy_installing, an MD5 error occurs because the external link
-        #   is used
+        # - while easy_installing, an MD5 error occurs because the external
+        # link is used
         # -> The index should use the link from pypi, not the external one.
         # start an index server
         index_url = server.full_address + '/simple/'
         # scan a test index
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(index_url, follow_externals=True)
-        dists = index.find("foobar")
+        crawler = Crawler(index_url, follow_externals=True)
+        releases = crawler.get_releases("foobar")
         # we have only one link, because links are compared without md5
-        self.assertEqual(len(dists), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(releases))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(releases[0].dists))
         # the link should be from the index
-        self.assertEqual('12345678901234567', dists[0].url['hashval'])
-        self.assertEqual('md5', dists[0].url['hashname'])
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(releases[0].dists['sdist'].urls))
+        self.assertEqual('12345678901234567',
+                         releases[0].dists['sdist'].url['hashval'])
+        self.assertEqual('md5', releases[0].dists['sdist'].url['hashname'])
         static_uri_paths=["simple", "external"])
@@ -193,22 +195,22 @@
         # to not be processed by the package index, while processing "pages".
         # process the pages
-        index = self._get_simple_index(server, follow_externals=True)
-        index.find("foobar")
+        crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server, follow_externals=True)
+        crawler.get_releases("foobar")
         # now it should have processed only pages with links rel="download"
         # and rel="homepage"
         self.assertIn("%s/simple/foobar/" % server.full_address,
-            index._processed_urls)  # it's the simple index page
+            crawler._processed_urls)  # it's the simple index page
         self.assertIn("%s/external/homepage.html" % server.full_address,
-            index._processed_urls)  # the external homepage is rel="homepage"
+            crawler._processed_urls)  # the external homepage is rel="homepage"
         self.assertNotIn("%s/external/nonrel.html" % server.full_address,
-            index._processed_urls)  # this link contains no rel=*
+            crawler._processed_urls)  # this link contains no rel=*
         self.assertNotIn("%s/unrelated-0.2.tar.gz" % server.full_address,
-            index._processed_urls)  # linked from simple index (no rel)
+            crawler._processed_urls)  # linked from simple index (no rel)
         self.assertIn("%s/foobar-0.1.tar.gz" % server.full_address,
-            index._processed_urls)  # linked from simple index (rel)
+            crawler._processed_urls)  # linked from simple index (rel)
         self.assertIn("%s/foobar-2.0.tar.gz" % server.full_address,
-            index._processed_urls)  # linked from external homepage (rel)
+            crawler._processed_urls)  # linked from external homepage (rel)
     def test_uses_mirrors(self):
         # When the main repository seems down, try using the given mirrors"""
@@ -218,18 +220,18 @@
             # create the index using both servers
-            index = simple.SimpleIndex(server.full_address + "/simple/",
+            crawler = Crawler(server.full_address + "/simple/",
                 hosts=('*',), timeout=1,  # set the timeout to 1s for the tests
-                mirrors=[mirror.full_address + "/simple/",])
+                mirrors=[mirror.full_address])
             # this should not raise a timeout
-            self.assertEqual(4, len(index.find("foo")))
+            self.assertEqual(4, len(crawler.get_releases("foo")))
     def test_simple_link_matcher(self):
         # Test that the simple link matcher yields the right links"""
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(follow_externals=False)
+        crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=False)
         # Here, we define:
         #   1. one link that must be followed, cause it's a download one
@@ -237,27 +239,33 @@
         #      returns false for it.
         #   3. one link that must be followed cause it's a homepage that is
         #      browsable
-        self.assertTrue(index._is_browsable("%stest" % index.index_url))
-        self.assertFalse(index._is_browsable("http://dl-link2"))
+        #   4. one link that must be followed, because it contain a md5 hash
+        self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("%stest" % crawler.index_url))
+        self.assertFalse(crawler._is_browsable("http://dl-link2"))
         content = """
         <a href="http://dl-link1" rel="download">download_link1</a>
         <a href="http://dl-link2" rel="homepage">homepage_link1</a>
-        <a href="%stest" rel="homepage">homepage_link2</a>
-        """ % index.index_url
+        <a href="%(index_url)stest" rel="homepage">homepage_link2</a>
+        <a href="%(index_url)stest/foobar-1.tar.gz#md5=abcdef>download_link2</a>
+        """ % {'index_url': crawler.index_url }
         # Test that the simple link matcher yield the good links.
-        generator = index._simple_link_matcher(content, index.index_url)
+        generator = crawler._simple_link_matcher(content, crawler.index_url)
+        self.assertEqual(('%stest/foobar-1.tar.gz#md5=abcdef' % crawler.index_url, 
+                         True), generator.next())
         self.assertEqual(('http://dl-link1', True), generator.next())
-        self.assertEqual(('%stest' % index.index_url, False),
+        self.assertEqual(('%stest' % crawler.index_url, False),
         self.assertRaises(StopIteration, generator.next)
-        # Follow the external links is possible
-        index.follow_externals = True
-        generator = index._simple_link_matcher(content, index.index_url)
+        # Follow the external links is possible (eg. homepages)
+        crawler.follow_externals = True
+        generator = crawler._simple_link_matcher(content, crawler.index_url)
+        self.assertEqual(('%stest/foobar-1.tar.gz#md5=abcdef' % crawler.index_url, 
+                         True), generator.next())
         self.assertEqual(('http://dl-link1', True), generator.next())
         self.assertEqual(('http://dl-link2', False), generator.next())
-        self.assertEqual(('%stest' % index.index_url, False),
+        self.assertEqual(('%stest' % crawler.index_url, False),
         self.assertRaises(StopIteration, generator.next)
@@ -265,12 +273,44 @@
         # Test that we can browse local files"""
         index_path = os.sep.join(["file://" + PYPI_DEFAULT_STATIC_PATH,
                                   "test_found_links", "simple"])
-        index = simple.SimpleIndex(index_path)
-        dists = index.find("foobar")
+        crawler = Crawler(index_path)
+        dists = crawler.get_releases("foobar")
         self.assertEqual(4, len(dists))
+    def test_get_link_matcher(self):
+        crawler = Crawler("http://example.org")
+        self.assertEqual('_simple_link_matcher', crawler._get_link_matcher(
+                         "http://example.org/some/file").__name__)
+        self.assertEqual('_default_link_matcher', crawler._get_link_matcher(
+                         "http://other-url").__name__)
+    def test_default_link_matcher(self):
+        crawler = Crawler("http://example.org", mirrors=[])
+        crawler.follow_externals = True
+        crawler._is_browsable = lambda *args:True
+        base_url = "http://example.org/some/file/"
+        content = """
+<a href="../homepage" rel="homepage">link</a>
+<a href="../download" rel="download">link2</a>
+<a href="../simpleurl">link2</a>
+        """
+        found_links = dict(crawler._default_link_matcher(content,
+                                                         base_url)).keys()
+        self.assertIn('http://example.org/some/homepage', found_links)
+        self.assertIn('http://example.org/some/simpleurl', found_links)
+        self.assertIn('http://example.org/some/download', found_links)
+    @use_pypi_server("project_list")
+    def test_search_projects(self, server):
+        # we can search the index for some projects, on their names
+        # the case used no matters here
+        crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server)
+        projects = [p.name for p in crawler.search_projects("Foobar")]
+        self.assertListEqual(['FooBar-bar', 'Foobar-baz', 'Baz-FooBar'], 
+                             projects)
 def test_suite():
-    return unittest.makeSuite(PyPISimpleTestCase)
+    return unittest.makeSuite(SimpleCrawlerTestCase)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_xmlrpc.py b/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_xmlrpc.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/distutils2/tests/test_index_xmlrpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+"""Tests for the distutils2.index.xmlrpc module."""
+from distutils2.tests.pypi_server import use_xmlrpc_server
+from distutils2.tests import run_unittest
+from distutils2.tests.support import unittest
+from distutils2.index.xmlrpc import Client, InvalidSearchField, ProjectNotFound
+class TestXMLRPCClient(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _get_client(self, server, *args, **kwargs):
+        return Client(server.full_address, *args, **kwargs)
+    @use_xmlrpc_server()
+    def test_search_projects(self, server):
+        client = self._get_client(server)
+        server.xmlrpc.set_search_result(['FooBar', 'Foo', 'FooFoo'])
+        results = [r.name for r in client.search_projects(name='Foo')]
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(results))
+        self.assertIn('FooBar', results)
+        self.assertIn('Foo', results)
+        self.assertIn('FooFoo', results)
+    def test_search_projects_bad_fields(self):
+        client = Client()
+        self.assertRaises(InvalidSearchField, client.search_projects, 
+                          invalid="test")
+    @use_xmlrpc_server()
+    def test_get_releases(self, server):
+        client = self._get_client(server)
+        server.xmlrpc.set_distributions([
+            {'name': 'FooBar', 'version': '1.1'},
+            {'name': 'FooBar', 'version': '1.2', 'url': 'http://some/url/'},
+            {'name': 'FooBar', 'version': '1.3', 'url': 'http://other/url/'},
+        ])
+        # use a lambda here to avoid an useless mock call
+        server.xmlrpc.list_releases = lambda *a, **k: ['1.1', '1.2', '1.3']
+        releases = client.get_releases('FooBar (<=1.2)')
+        # dont call release_data and release_url; just return name and version.
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(releases))
+        versions = releases.get_versions()
+        self.assertIn('1.1', versions)
+        self.assertIn('1.2', versions)
+        self.assertNotIn('1.3', versions)
+        self.assertRaises(ProjectNotFound, client.get_releases,'Foo')
+    @use_xmlrpc_server()
+    def test_get_distributions(self, server):
+        client = self._get_client(server)
+        server.xmlrpc.set_distributions([
+            {'name':'FooBar', 'version': '1.1', 'url':
+             'http://example.org/foobar-1.1-sdist.tar.gz',
+             'digest': '1234567', 'type': 'sdist', 'python_version':'source'},
+            {'name':'FooBar', 'version': '1.1', 'url':
+             'http://example.org/foobar-1.1-bdist.tar.gz',
+             'digest': '8912345', 'type': 'bdist'},
+        ])
+        releases = client.get_releases('FooBar', '1.1')
+        client.get_distributions('FooBar', '1.1')
+        release = releases.get_release('1.1')
+        self.assertTrue('http://example.org/foobar-1.1-sdist.tar.gz',
+                        release['sdist'].url['url'])
+        self.assertTrue('http://example.org/foobar-1.1-bdist.tar.gz',
+                release['bdist'].url['url'])
+        self.assertEqual(release['sdist'].python_version, 'source')
+    @use_xmlrpc_server()
+    def test_get_metadata(self, server):
+        client = self._get_client(server)
+        server.xmlrpc.set_distributions([
+            {'name':'FooBar', 
+             'version': '1.1',
+             'keywords': '',
+             'obsoletes_dist': ['FooFoo'],
+             'requires_external': ['Foo'],
+            }])
+        release = client.get_metadata('FooBar', '1.1')
+        self.assertEqual(['Foo'], release.metadata['requires_external'])
+        self.assertEqual(['FooFoo'], release.metadata['obsoletes_dist'])
+def test_suite():
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestXMLRPCClient))
+    return suite
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run_unittest(test_suite())
diff --git a/src/distutils2/tests/test_version.py b/src/distutils2/tests/test_version.py
--- a/src/distutils2/tests/test_version.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/tests/test_version.py
@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@
         # XXX need to silent the micro version in this case
         #assert not VersionPredicate('Ho (<3.0,!=2.6)').match('2.6.3')
+    def test_predicate_name(self):
+        # Test that names are parsed the right way
+        self.assertEqual('Hey', VersionPredicate('Hey (<1.1)').name)
+        self.assertEqual('Foo-Bar', VersionPredicate('Foo-Bar (1.1)').name)
+        self.assertEqual('Foo Bar', VersionPredicate('Foo Bar (1.1)').name)
     def test_is_final(self):
         # VersionPredicate knows is a distribution is a final one or not.
         final_versions = ('1.0', '1.0.post456')
diff --git a/src/distutils2/util.py b/src/distutils2/util.py
--- a/src/distutils2/util.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/util.py
@@ -5,10 +5,14 @@
 __revision__ = "$Id: util.py 77761 2010-01-26 22:46:15Z tarek.ziade $"
+import os
+import posixpath
+import re
+import string
 import sys
-import os
-import string
-import re
+import shutil
+import tarfile
+import zipfile
 from copy import copy
 from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
 from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
@@ -699,6 +703,119 @@
                         self.options, self.explicit)
+def splitext(path):
+    """Like os.path.splitext, but take off .tar too"""
+    base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)
+    if base.lower().endswith('.tar'):
+        ext = base[-4:] + ext
+        base = base[:-4]
+    return base, ext
+def unzip_file(filename, location, flatten=True):
+    """Unzip the file (zip file located at filename) to the destination
+    location"""
+    if not os.path.exists(location):
+        os.makedirs(location)
+    zipfp = open(filename, 'rb')
+    try:
+        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfp)
+        leading = has_leading_dir(zip.namelist()) and flatten
+        for name in zip.namelist():
+            data = zip.read(name)
+            fn = name
+            if leading:
+                fn = split_leading_dir(name)[1]
+            fn = os.path.join(location, fn)
+            dir = os.path.dirname(fn)
+            if not os.path.exists(dir):
+                os.makedirs(dir)
+            if fn.endswith('/') or fn.endswith('\\'):
+                # A directory
+                if not os.path.exists(fn):
+                    os.makedirs(fn)
+            else:
+                fp = open(fn, 'wb')
+                try:
+                    fp.write(data)
+                finally:
+                    fp.close()
+    finally:
+        zipfp.close()
+def untar_file(filename, location):
+    """Untar the file (tar file located at filename) to the destination
+    location
+    """
+    if not os.path.exists(location):
+        os.makedirs(location)
+    if filename.lower().endswith('.gz') or filename.lower().endswith('.tgz'):
+        mode = 'r:gz'
+    elif (filename.lower().endswith('.bz2') 
+          or filename.lower().endswith('.tbz')):
+        mode = 'r:bz2'
+    elif filename.lower().endswith('.tar'):
+        mode = 'r'
+    else:
+        mode = 'r:*'
+    tar = tarfile.open(filename, mode)
+    try:
+        leading = has_leading_dir([member.name for member in tar.getmembers()])
+        for member in tar.getmembers():
+            fn = member.name
+            if leading:
+                fn = split_leading_dir(fn)[1]
+            path = os.path.join(location, fn)
+            if member.isdir():
+                if not os.path.exists(path):
+                    os.makedirs(path)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    fp = tar.extractfile(member)
+                except (KeyError, AttributeError), e:
+                    # Some corrupt tar files seem to produce this
+                    # (specifically bad symlinks)
+                    continue
+                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
+                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
+                destfp = open(path, 'wb')
+                try:
+                    shutil.copyfileobj(fp, destfp)
+                finally:
+                    destfp.close()
+                fp.close()
+    finally:
+        tar.close()
+def has_leading_dir(paths):
+    """Returns true if all the paths have the same leading path name
+    (i.e., everything is in one subdirectory in an archive)"""
+    common_prefix = None
+    for path in paths:
+        prefix, rest = split_leading_dir(path)
+        if not prefix:
+            return False
+        elif common_prefix is None:
+            common_prefix = prefix
+        elif prefix != common_prefix:
+            return False
+    return True
+def split_leading_dir(path):
+    path = str(path)
+    path = path.lstrip('/').lstrip('\\')
+    if '/' in path and (('\\' in path and path.find('/') < path.find('\\'))
+                        or '\\' not in path):
+        return path.split('/', 1)
+    elif '\\' in path:
+        return path.split('\\', 1)
+    else:
+        return path, ''
 def spawn(cmd, search_path=1, verbose=0, dry_run=0, env=None):
     """Run another program specified as a command list 'cmd' in a new process.
diff --git a/src/distutils2/version.py b/src/distutils2/version.py
--- a/src/distutils2/version.py
+++ b/src/distutils2/version.py
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
     return None
-_PREDICATE = re.compile(r"(?i)^\s*([a-z_]\w*(?:\.[a-z_]\w*)*)(.*)")
+_PREDICATE = re.compile(r"(?i)^\s*([a-z_][\sa-zA-Z_-]*(?:\.[a-z_]\w*)*)(.*)")
 _VERSIONS = re.compile(r"^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$")
 _PLAIN_VERSIONS = re.compile(r"^\s*(.*)\s*$")
 _SPLIT_CMP = re.compile(r"^\s*(<=|>=|<|>|!=|==)\s*([^\s,]+)\s*$")
@@ -354,7 +354,8 @@
         if match is None:
             raise ValueError('Bad predicate "%s"' % predicate)
-        self.name, predicates = match.groups()
+        name, predicates = match.groups()
+        self.name = name.strip()
         predicates = predicates.strip()
         predicates = _VERSIONS.match(predicates)
         if predicates is not None:

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/distutils2

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