[Python-authors] New Python periodical. Interested?

Mike Driscoll mike at pythonlibrary.org
Mon Sep 12 20:40:13 CEST 2011


On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Brian K. Jones <bkjones at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> Since the demise of Python Magazine I've been considering what it would
> take to create a viable periodical devoted to Python. After having worked
> heavily on other publications (including basically creating Python Magazine
> in 2007), I'm well-equipped with pretty concrete ideas about where the pain
> points are and how to proactively fight them. So, in short, there will be
> another periodical for Python one day.
> The question is more about "when" than "how" in my eyes, and the "when"
> depends on who might be interested in participating. When I say
> "participating", I'm talking about authors, but not *just* authors. To get
> running, there's going to be a need for other skillsets as well:
> specifically, we need a few developers early on to help create the tools to
> make creating a quality publication less onerous. While that's happening,
> we'll need designers to collaborate with on the look/feel fit/finish of the
> product. In short, think about what you do, and how it might be applied to
> publishing. Then shoot me an email :-D
> I already own and plan to use 'pythonreader.com' as the domain for the
> publication. Over the next few weeks, I'll get some kind of spartan web
> presence going there that'll house a mailing list and eventually host
> everything else.
> So if you're missing the old Python Magazine, and want to be involved in
> something with even more awesome (where 'awesome' means, in part, that it
> exists), let me know!
> brian
> --
> Brian K. Jones
> Sent over the internet
> My blog: http://www.protocolostomy.com
> Follow me: http://twitter.com/bkjones

I wouldn't mind helping with this. I can author or help edit. You might also
want to hit up the guys at PyAr. They put together two issues of their own
magazine a while back: http://revista.python.org.ar/

I might be able to help develop, but it depends on what you're talking

- Mike

Mike Driscoll

Blog:   http://blog.pythonlibrary.org
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