[pytest-dev] pytest 6.2.0

Ran Benita ran at unusedvar.com
Sun Dec 13 07:23:28 EST 2020

On Sun, Dec 13, 2020, at 02:13, Jim Brännlund wrote:
> Hey all,


> Maybe I missunderstand, but the header of the changelog says:
> Backward incompatible (breaking) changes will only be introduced in major versions with advance notice in the *Deprecations* section of releases.
> Yet, in 6.2.0 a breaking change is introduced, dropping support of python versions prior to 3.6. A breaking change that I can't find a corresponding deprecation for (other than the official drop of 2.7, obviously).

When we discussed this we decided that bumping the minimum python requirement does not require deprecation and a major version, mostly because users on older Python versions would keep getting the compatible version when using pip, so should not be affected.

Does this not hold true for you? Would be interested to hear what sort of issues this caused.


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