[pytest-dev] Fwd: pytest-mimesis transfer to pytest-dev

Никита Соболев n.a.sobolev at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 05:14:01 EDT 2019


My name is Nikita Sobolev, I am a core developer of both:
- https://github.com/lk-geimfari/mimesis
- And official pytest plugin to it:

I would like to ask if you are interested in transferring pytest-mimesis to
https://github.com/pytest-dev ?

I am asking because:
1. I hope that it will increase the visibility of this plugin, we have a
lot of Mimesis users, but they rearly use this plugin
2. I hope it will improve its maintenance, because currently I am doing it
on my own - and I don't have that much time to spend on it

If you are interested - what are the next steps?
If not - what recommendations do you have for us to improve the project?


Best regards,
Nikita Sobolev
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