[pytest-dev] Appeal for co-maintainer for pytest-html

Dave Hunt dave.hunt at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 05:54:41 EDT 2019

Hey folks,

When I took a step back from maintaining pytest-html and other plugins, Jim Brännlund and Ana Ribeiro offered to help take on some of this work. Between them they have performed an excellent job of triaging issues, reviewing pull requests, providing fixes, and pushing out new releases. Recently, Ana has had less time to contribute, which means Jim has taken on a lot of this work himself.

I’d like to see if there’s anyone in the community that might have some time to help Jim with maintaining the popular pytest-html <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-html> plugin? This plugin generates a HTML report for pytest results, and therefore it would be valuable if someone with some front-end experience could help. Although there are plenty of opportunities for new features, it would be most valuable to have someone helping with the maintenance tasks mentioned above.

There isn't a high volume of issues or pull requests for the project, so any level of contribution would likely have a significant positive impact.

I'd like to take this opportunity to once again thank both Jim and Ana for their contributions to the project, and to everyone who has used the plugin - especially those who have opened issues or submitted patches!

Thanks in advance,
Dave Hunt
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