[pytest-dev] Moving pytest-{pep8, flakes} to pytest-dev on GitHub

Florian Schulze florian.schulze at gmx.net
Wed Mar 14 06:53:09 EDT 2018

On 14 Mar 2018, at 10:50, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:

> i like to use a tox env with flake8 set up,

This is what devpi does and in my day to day use I miss issues 
sometimes, because it's a separate env and running all envs takes too 
long to do before push, so I only see it in CI.

> additionally my editor always complains about all violations
> (imho if linting should happen as early as typing, but at least as 
> early
> as when you save a file)

I do the same and it catches most things up front, but again it's 
nothing one can easily enforce or make in your face.

> on top of that linting issues trigger ci failure
> im currently also looking at tools like sideci for the gh stuff

That's what pytest-pep8 and pytest-flake do for me.

So I guess this is more a matter of taste which tools one uses.

Thanks for the insight into your workflow.

I will stop here, because it gets way off topic.

Florian Schulze

> Am 14.03.2018 um 10:07 schrieb Florian Schulze:
>> On 14 Mar 2018, at 10:00, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
>>> Sounds reasonable,
>> Ok
>>> i would like to note that by now i believe integrating linting into
>>> normal testing is a step back since the reporting needs are so 
>>> different
>>> its one of the reasons why i dropped my work on pytest-codecheckers
>>> (which is more like flake8)
>> How do you tackle that then? I like things which work on the commit
>> level, so one can improve things incrementally. But most solutions I 
>> saw
>> work as pre-commit hooks, which makes them harder to enforce 
>> especially
>> for Open Source, because all users need to install them. I haven't 
>> seen
>> anything that works server side (or as a bot) on a per commit base 
>> (Open
>> Source and not only as a GitHub Service).
>> Regards,
>> Florian Schulze
>>> Am 14.03.2018 um 09:35 schrieb Florian Schulze:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I'd like to propose moving pytest-pep8 from pytest-dev on Bitbucket 
>>>> to
>>>> GitHub and my pytest-flakes from my GitHub repository to 
>>>> pytest-dev.
>>>> Since I use both myself all the time, I would continue maintaining 
>>>> them.
>>>> Thoughts? Process?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Florian Schulze
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