[pytest-dev] pytest sprint

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Sun Mar 27 12:39:50 EDT 2016

Hey Sivan,

* Sivan Greenberg <sivan at vitakka.co> [2016-03-27 17:23:33 +0300]:
>  Also, as I'm using pytest to test PyQt based mechanized browsers, I'd love
> to see what work needs to be done to have something around that
> standardized as well - namely, QApplication setup and teardown (modulescope
> breaks its) and anything I can help off the list of items to work on from
> the list.

Oh, interesting! Do you have a link? I use pytest to test
qutebrowser[1], which is my PyQt-based browser, so I'd be really
interested in seeing how you approached this :)

Have you seen pytest-qt[2]?

[1] http://www.qutebrowser.org/
[2] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt

>  I'll be coming from Tel Aviv, a flight to Frankfurt / Berlin would be
> around 450$ or a bit less, Skyscanner does not show me how can one get from
> Tel Aviv to Freiburg via air travel. Perhaps a train is needed? :) (Is
> Freiburg in Switzerland , or ?.. A bit confused after my googling).

There is a Freiburg/Fribourg in Switzerland, but that's *not* where
the sprint is. It's in "Freiburg im Breisgau" in the black forest
(Schwarzwald) in southern Germany.

However, swiss airports (Basel/Zurich) might be a good point to fly to
and then take a train. Another possibility is flying to Frankfurt or
Stuttgart and taking the train from there.

Can you please add yourself to the sprints page?[3] However, the
original deadline for this was 10 days ago, so I'm not sure how the
planning is going on currently - Holger will have to comment on that.

[3] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/wiki/sprint2016


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