[pytest-dev] on abolishing the feature branch concept

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Mon Jan 25 09:04:10 EST 2016

* Ronny Pfannschmidt <opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> [2016-01-25 14:36:12 +0100]:
> i think we need to be much more strict on what a bugfix is
> for example the regression in 2.8.6 was caused by the "feature"
> of more detailed exceptions from monkeypatch

I agree this particular PR should've gone to 'features'. IMHO it'd
have been the responsibility of Bruno and you to tell the author to
reopen it against features.

But in general I think it's working pretty well, no?

> if we go to a __strict__ handling of bugfixes,
> then much more of what had gone to the 2.8.6 release would have landed
> in the features branch

I reviewed the commits because I was curious about this.
Other than the change above and another change which is debatable
("Make monkeypatch calls O(1)") all of those seem like bugfixes or
trivial doc changes to me.

> another more and more apparent issue is, that our current testsuite
> and style of testing in pytest can't provide sufficient branch
> coverage in various situations, the regression that happened in
> 2.8.6 should have been something the testsuite catches before.

I was surprised this wasn't caught as well - then again pytest's
coverage is at 93% according to coveralls, which doesn't seem too
shabby to me.

> to that effect it might even be sensible to change from master +
> features to bugfix + master

I thought we discussed this to death before already, and ended up with
master/features :P


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