[py-dev] issues with stdout redirection, ctypes and py.test

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Fri Aug 7 12:02:51 CEST 2009

Hi Gordon, 

On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 18:53 +1000, Gordon Wrigley wrote:
> My python code talks to a C library via ctypes and it in turn prints
> debug to stdout.
> And we test this with py.test, which by itself works just fine.

by this you mean that it looks roughly like this:



> But if at the bash prompt we then redirect the output of py.test to a
> file suddenly the C debug starts propagating out of py.test.

hum, redirecting the above example with "py.test x.py >log" works fine. 

The following may be interesting to observe (i just did): 

    def test_hello():
        myfile = os.fdopen(1, "w")
        assert 0

This works fine but if i leave out the flush() the write
will *not* be captured appropriately.  I guess that it is because
of the missing buffering ("os.fdopen(1, 'w', 1)" and no flush works) 

FYI the pytest_capture plugin resumes capturing for calling
into test methods, setup/teardown code and collection
respectively and otherwise suspends capturing.  Even if this
was modified (i.e. capturing would always happen) i imagine
that the missing flush/close could associate the actual write 
into a different test. 

Maybe your behaviour is still a different issue or even a bug, though. 

> We generally run py.test with -v and -x, but removing those didn't
> change the behavior at all.

that shouldn't change anything related to capturing, indeed. 

> I'm at a bit of loss as to where to begin with this one, any suggestions?

maybe my above considerations help a bit and you can maybe
come up with a breaking example or fix things on your side? 

I want to do a 1.0.1 soon with some capturing fixes (related
to unicode handling, though) and i'd like to include any other
related improvements or add to the docs. 


> gordonw at gohma:~$ uname -a
> Linux gohma 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 25 00:28:35 UTC
> 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
> gordonw at gohma:~$ python
> Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41)
> [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import py
> >>> py.version
> '1.0.0'
> Regards,
> Gordon
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