[py-dev] error on trunk in py.path.svn support

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Thu Aug 21 14:31:19 CEST 2008

Hi there,

> so, now i am trying to also get "easy_install py==dev" to work.
> I tried having a setup.cfg of
>    [egg_info]
>    tag_build = .dev
>    tag_svn_revision = 1
> and with a "version=1.0.0.a1" in setup.py and calling
>    python setup.py sdist upload
> this registered and uploaded a 1.0.0a1-r57529 version fine.

Ugly. In the Zope community we've been avoiding any setup.cfg and
we've done actual proper releases whenever needed. We used to produce
a lot of those ugly -r515153 eggs, but for a large system composed out
of multiple packages such a "release but not really a proper release"
things were far more pain than they're worth, as the releases didn't
tend to be very well managed.

> But then "easy_install py" on another machine gave me the dev
> version instead of the release (0.9.2b7 currently).
> What am i missing?

Hm, I don't know off the top of my head, I'm afraid.

> (i removed the 1.0.0a1 completely from pypi, btw).

Removing released eggs is also not a good idea to do very often. We
have a policy that we never remove anything from PyPI but just make a
new, later, release. People may be depending on the versions on PyPI -
automatic build systems may pull in an egg before you know it, after

I'm just sketching out what I know from our Zope egg release mill
here. Other approaches may of course work too, I'm just telling you
what works for us (and the bits I know).



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