[py-dev] 0.9.2 beta eggs / Windows Notes / API gen pending

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Wed Aug 20 19:12:15 CEST 2008

Hi again, 

after i fixed a number of bugs (mostly windows specific) 
and after lots of experimentation i settled for a simpler
approach for setup.py: it's now setuptools only and
uses the "entry_points" hook as Ralf originally suggested
and Martijn now recommended as well.  There is no "_findpy" 
hack anymore. 

i've uploaded the beta to pypi: 


Note to harald and users who have used py.test and friends
with earlier installs: please read the important note 
and execute the cleanupscript. 

Guido: i think i need some help with API generation - 
that link is currently broken and i guess you know
what is wrong. 

best & cheers, 


collaborative expert contracting: http://merlinux.eu 
PyPy  Python/Compiler tool chain: http://codespeak.net/pypy 
pylib py.test/greenlets/svn APIs: http://pylib.org 

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