[py-dev] In case you are not reading python-announce

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sun Mar 4 10:57:20 CET 2007

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Return-Path: python-announce-list-bounces at python.org
Delivery-Date: Sun Mar  4 08:11:34 2007
From: Titus Brown <titus at caltech.edu>
To: python-announce-list at python.org
Subject: announcing: "testing-in-python" mailing list
Message-ID: <20070304021155.GB8128 at caltech.edu>


catalyzed by the great fun we had at PyCon '07, Grig Gheorghiu and I
have created the "testing-in-python" (or "TIP") mailing list.

This list will hopefully serve as a forum for discussing Python testing
tools, testing approaches useful in Python, Web resources for same, and
whatever else people would like to talk about.  ("Proposed: The Death
Star would not have had a single point of failure had it been written in
Python and tested with the Death Star Testing Protocol Tool.  Discuss.")

Grig has a blog post about the list here:


You can sign up for the [mailman] list here:


Subscribers can post to the list at 'tip at lists.idyll.org'.

List archives are available here:


- --titus
- -- 
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